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Friday, November 02, 2012

Salisbury Family On The Jay Leno Show

John and Lisa Martin traveled to Los Angeles, California for a week with their daughter Lauren and her son Kellan to visit their son and Lauren's brother Scott, his wife Nicole, and their son Luke. Two days into their trip, Lauren was sitting in their apartment to hear a knock on the door. As she looked through the peep hole she thought she saw Jay Leno, but considered it an impossibility. She opened the door to, in fact, find Jay Leno along with cameras, lights and producers. It turns out Jay was doing his Jay Walking segment in the complex where they were renting an apartment for a week during their stay. During this particular segment, Jay was asking people to reenact old TV show openings. After discovering Lauren's blonde hair on the other side of the door, her fun loving parents and Luke's adorable face, they figured the Martin family would be best for Married with Children.  A week long trip to visit family in LA turned into a national television debut for this Salisbury family. 

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