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Friday, September 28, 2012


Islamic leaders in Dearborn, Mich. are holding a rally this Friday night to build momentum for the passage of laws that prohibit speech or expression that hurts "the religious feelings of Muslims." Put together in response to the film "Innocence of Muslims," rally organizer Tarek Baydoun said, "We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to sow the seeds of hate and discord against the religious beliefs of others." Rally co-organizer Osama Siblani added, "There is a need for deterrent legal measures against those individuals or groups that want to damage relations between people, spread hate and incite violence." More


  1. " Islam will Dominate "

    What exactly do people think that means?
    Why do people ignore this rhetoric?
    And the President says we should not speak against Islam and will consider it hate speech?

    Who's side is he on anyway?
    Trust me, there are sides!
    Muslims can not live with Christians or Jews in harmony anywhere in the world.
    Stop trying to validate a belligerent,violent, barbaric cult from the stone age with appeasement and apologies.

  2. They want freedom of speech and yet in OUR country they don't want us to have it. I say go home, this not hour home "THIS IS OUR HOUSE" love it or leave it. You came here because you did not like it where you lived so live like us or get the hell out. We did not need you before and we sure as heck need you now.map

  3. muslims, get out of our country. you're not welcome if you can't abide by our constitution. we're not interested in your way of life. get it? go home where you can live under your sharia laws.

  4. The fact of the matter is no one would have ever known about this stupid movie trailer had Obama admin not made a big deal out of it in an attempt to hide their own incompetence.
    They attempted to hide the fact that due to their own failures the consulate in Libya was not properly secured. The admin in their complacency directly contributed and caused the murder of the 4 Americans.
    I am so happy that the mother of the murdered former Navy Seal (Tyrone Wood) is stepping out and now demanding answers.

  5. Don't worry 8:06. The time will soon be upon us and we will succeed. Get you guns and your ammo in check. Probably some food too.

  6. LAUGHABLE!! A MUSLIM talking about "sowing the seeds of hate and discord against the religious beliefs of others"??? What??? These are the same muslims (in Michigan!) who have bought thousands of acres and established a military training camp (in Michigan) where they practice urban warfare against "infidels". The same people who called the police on a Christian peacefully distributing pamphlets. This, from a religion that says its ok to kill infidels and non-belivers. This, from a religion that issues "fatwahs" calling for the MURDER of people who say things they don't like. Welcome to America. If you don't like our ways, hit the road. Don't let the door hit you on your ace.


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