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Friday, September 28, 2012

White House: Obama Too Busy Traveling To Properly Prepare For Debates

Speaking with reporters aboard Air Force one this morning, White House Traveling Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki reminded them that President Obama has been too busy traveling to properly prepare for the debate.
During the press gaggle, a reporter asked Psaki if the president’s “abbreviated debate prep schedule” would have any effect on his debate performance next Thursday.
“The President will have some time to prepare, and he’s been doing some studying,” replied Psaki. “But it is certainly less than we anticipated because of the events in the Middle East, because of his busy travel schedule, because of just the constraints of governing.”


  1. gag me with a spoon!

    the view, sleeping in, golf, letterman, hollywood types, and more.

    no time; bull crap...

  2. another way of saying, "We're pretty sure Romney is going to mop the floor with him, so we're going to start making excuses now."

  3. Too Busy . . . to busy to govern, to busy to protect this nation and meet world leaders. This man is a joke. He does a disservice and completely makes a mockery of the office of President. And to think we still have about 47% of the dumbmasses that believe he is doing a good job!

  4. 4:49 stole the words right off of my keyboard. They all know Romney is going to eat him alive because he is an ignorant buffoon without his teleprompter.

  5. B.S.
    He's studying the lies and spin harder than he ever studied anywhere.
    He is practice sparring with conservative pundits daily and memorizing talking points like his life depends on it.
    Who are they kidding.
    Oh, 47%.

  6. another way of saying, "We're pretty sure Romney is going to mop the floor with him, so we're going to start making excuses now."

    September 28, 2012 4:49 PM

    There was a time I would have agreed with you. But, as time goes on I am not all that sure about Romney winning.

    And if he did win, what should be expected from him. I think we are going to be screwed no matter which one of these two wins the election.

    As far as I'm concerned, the best candidate isn't in the running any longer.

    Ron Paul seemed like the best one to be president of this country.

    But the majority of voters would rather have one of these two?

    We've screwed ourselves yet again.

  7. Trying to set the expectations low for him.

    As the incumbent, he shouldn't have to "prepare" for debates. He should know the stuff already.

  8. He and the 47% are so over due to get the heck off our soil. I'm sorry but how long do we have to put up with stuff? If there was a country that was like the U.S.A. 4 years ago or even 10 years ago I would go. But the world knows we are the best place to live. Yet when they get here they try to make us like what they left. Sorry but love it or leave it. map

  9. Don't have to prep. The MSM will see to it that team Obama gets a look at the questions prior to the debates.

  10. pray as never before. the government media is hosting the debate. may God confuse obama and let romney shine...

    7:11, get over yourself. paul didn't win so start working for romney. he's not perfect but at least he's an american citizen who loves our country. he's far and away better than b.o.

  11. "The constraints of governing"!!! BULLS T! He is busy spending OUR money in his grand plan to bankrupt the country. After we hit rock bottom it will be within his reach to do what he promised - to fundamentally change the country. From free market capitalism to socialism.

  12. thanks 4:29 AM great thoughts!

  13. Bull crap. He's preparing for those debates. Trust me.

  14. Obama can prepare all he wants but he will never match wits with Romney. There isn't an area where Romney isn't superiour than Obama. Obama's only recourse is to lie which I will admit is Obama's strongest and only 'asset.'

  15. Oh please Obama always embarrasses his opponents during debates.

  16. excuses first? expecting to do badly?

  17. First of all...IT'S rigged!
    Questions are so "loaded".


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