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Saturday, August 04, 2012

TheBlaze Interviews the Guy Fired for Berating a Chick-fil-A Employee (Updated with Quotes)

Should someone be fired from their job and threatened with violence, torture, even death because they have an opinion different than yours? Of course not. And yet, that is what Adam M. Smith of Arizona says happened to him.

Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company.



  1. He made his bed, now lie in it.

    He should have thought about his wife and kids before he made an ass of himself.

    However, I don't agree with the threats he is receiving nor the media for publishing his home address. That was irresponsible of them.

    I think gays show hate and intolerance more and more often than straights.

    Has anyone else noticed the tactics they are suggesting their supporters follow?

    You cannot force people to accept you.

  2. It seems to me that this man opened the doors to his firing.
    He new very well the media had a hold on this event. He should have appoached this differently.
    The girl he talked to had nothing to do with any of this. She handled herself very well.
    Do I think he should be fired , of course not.
    The world has changed and the microscope is on everyone. The left media will do anything to capitalize on these types of issues.
    I think a general small ass whipping would have been in order for him , but he had to open this door wider than it needed to be.
    I don't know why people would threaten him , but , crazy people exist when we have lost religion or moral values.

  3. If his life has been turned upside-down its his own fault. We all must be accountable for our actions. And, he has yet offered an apology to the lady he berated, which means he is not sorry for his actions. No doubt, he's paying for that free water now!

  4. Oh I see... he is the one who purposely...waited in a line so he could offer his opinion in an attempt to show off and become a hero to his cause...now he wants to portray himself as the victim...what a loser

  5. Could not of happened to a nicer guy. He was wrong in what he did to that young lady just trying to do her low paying job. He filmed it and put it on you-tube to be cool in what he did to that young lady.When you do things like this, be ready for what could come next. Feel sorry for his family, but not him.

  6. I feel sorry for the emloyees.They have nothing to do with this issue,but some idiots see them as the culprits I guess.Some young person simply trying to make an honest living.They may be working their way through college or perfectly content to stay at the restaurant where they work,but they bear the brunt of administrative comments.

  7. Sorry to hear the effect this has had on him and especially his family. He is an adult and should really be aware that his actions have consequences.

  8. He wanted to be a star by making that recording and posting it on YouTube, he got what he wanted.

  9. How refreshing to see some of the above comments that talk about accountability and consequences for your actions. Something we don't see much of today. It's always somebody else's fault.

  10. Do I think he should be fired , of course not.

    Why not?

    He was an officer of that company not just a regular employee. What he says and does just does not affect him.

    And if he is that sure of his convictions, he shouldn't mind paying the price for having them.

  11. The liberals or far left have lost this fight.
    We do have some sane people left in the U.S..
    Chick-Fil-A is healthier than ever. Thanks to the sttupid people of the left , welcome to Rehob---.

  12. of course personal responsibility is never a factor when it comes to these programmed tools...they get all ramped up emotionally and it is only the object of their scorn who should incur anyone's wrath...again I want to know how a religious sacrament has become a Progressive secular instrument of diminishing the Religion itself ?...this all started with partners not being included in Insurance benefits...but with Obamacare this is now a moot point

  13. There is a lesson to be learned from this. Before you click the "send" button.....think about what might happen. Not just a video but a "reply" to an e-mail that you got or anything else that YOU have control over. Others may not se the same thing that you do and Lord help you if they don't.

  14. For me, the real question is...What did he expect to gain from tryng to belittle an employee of ChicFilA? I mean really. He's a vice president of a company and he wants to beat down a woman earning minimum wage trying to provide for her family. He got what he deserved. And to think he felt it was necessary to capture this event on video so he could later post it to the world showing what a man he is. No man treats a woman with such disrespect. He had a problem with the ChicFilA CEO only to take it out on this poor woman. I could only hope that the only job available to him one day is working the drive thru window at ChicFilA.

  15. And to think he felt it was necessary to capture this event on video so he could later post it to the world showing what a man he is. No man treats a woman with such disrespect. He had a problem with the ChicFilA CEO only to take it out on this poor woman. I could only hope that the only job available to him one day is working the drive thru window at ChicFilA.

    August 4, 2012 6:14 PM

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