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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Are We Over Pay TV? DirecTV Lost Subscribers For The First Time Ever

Have you been staring sullenly at your cable or satellite bill, wishing you maybe didn't have to pay so much for TV anymore? Seems some customers are getting turned off pay-TV services, as DirecTV says it's finally losing subscribers for the first time, with a downturn of 52,000 customers between April and June. It added 26,000 customers in the same time frame last year, which is the toughest time of the season for luring in new customers.

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  1. Times are hard and people are economizing.
    TV programming isn't what it used to be, either. I gave up DirecTV about 3 years ago after becoming bored with the same old same old over and over again. Watched local TV stations for a while, but it was the same stuff.
    A year later I gave away my TV. I don't miss it.

  2. A year later I gave away my TV. I don't miss it.

    August 4, 2012 8:56 AM

    lol good for you. I hardly watch t.v. myself.


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