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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Want Big Government Bucks ... Become A Coach Or Professor!

According to the experts, federal government employees are either overpaid by 58 percent or underpaid by 24 percent. That's a fact!
Both sides are dead sure their numbers are correct. From their careful and exhaustive studies we can conclude that federal workers are either paid way too much or way too little! Or something like that.

The government vs. industry pay "gap" has been debated for decades. Neither side has budged even a percentage point. But maybe both groups have been looking in the wrong place and drawing their sometimes cherry-picked data from the wrong sources. For example:

Congress is now battling over whether to raise taxes for the rich (which would include most members of Congress) or let the so-called Bush tax cuts continue past their 2013 expiration date. But while most people are focused on Uncle Sam's negative cash-flow, hard-hit state governments continue to raise taxes. For good reason, it turns out. They really need the money ...



  1. become a Professor and you can get one of the 18$ an hour Board of Elections jobs and they will fit it around your teaching schedule of 6 hours a week...I went to the polls last election and all of my neighbors that were tenured Professors and even Department heads were working at the polls...I want this investigated how they deserve the positions over the unemployed...

  2. In Montgomery County they give the election jobs to Federal workers who give themselves leave. As anything connected to the Government it is always nepotism and elitism that determines who drinks from the trough.


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