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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stop Daily Times Newspaper Delivery


How do you go about getting the Daily Times to stop throwing the free newspapers into our yard? I seriously doubt these people they hire to distribute these things will look at a list of do not throw here's. Is the only thing one can do is put up a sign?

Maybe we should do like they did with all the AOL cd's back in the day, collect them in a dump truck and dump them in the Daily Times parking lot?

Publisher's Notes: This is nothing new. We have been fielding complaints about this for years. Many have stated they called the Daily Times and complained but the papers still kept coming.

Now there's yet another problem. The new paper in town is delivering free papers that will clutter up neighborhoods throughout Salisbury and Wicomico County. They do state in their paper if you call them they will stop delivering them per your request but considering they have kids delivering them, I doubt they'll pay true attention to every request.

The paper is doing so in order to reach a goal of 100,000 papers so they can ask the City and County for their legal ads. There should be a law against this. People should be REQUESTING these papers. That would fairly show people are actually interested in receiving it and not allow them to subject you to trash in your yard.

Are you listening City and County Officials?


  1. All you have to do is get your elected officials to tell the Dailey times they will be charged with littering. It works. Trust me.

  2. I cannot even begin to express my feelings about "The Daily Times" I cannot guess how many papers end up shredded all over my yard every time the state or County cuts the grass....I have called to ask that they not deliver the papers...and they say they do not control the paper delivers....and when I stopped the "delivers" they say the Daily Times supervisor says they have to deliver to each home???? I agree with the above statement I say we all start collecting them and shred them and dump them all over thier lawn!

  3. I live within the city and have had nothing but grief from the Daily Times. I used to subscribe to the paper but cancelled because they either could not or would not deliver the paper. The paper was thrown in the street gutter, in the bushes, to the wrong neighbor, anywhere in the yard except in the driveway. I placed numerous calls to complain, also talked with several so-called supervisors/managers to no avail. Finally I told them I refused to pay the bill so if they wanted to give free papers fine. Now they keep hounded me to get the week-end delivery. When hell freezes over. I refuse to support a business where the customer is a second-class citizen. They ought to spend money on a proof reader. It's a waste of money. I remember when there were two papers and that seemed to keep everyone honest. But no more. I appreciate your articles Joe and keep up the good work. I appreciate all you do.

  4. If you have a job...when you come home and go to the mailbox for your mail, bend over and pick the newspaper up and throw it in the trash. Is that so friggin' hard to understand. If you don't have a job, sit out on the porch and wait for them to come by and then ask them not to deliver. Theres two solutions to the problem. Quit bitchin' and focus on a real problem in the city and county.

    1. If you couldn't read it stated this has been a problem for years. So it is a problem I suggest you move to the next post or shut it.

  5. It drives me crazy that to see these people "delivering papers" litter in my neighborhood. Because thats what it is; litter. The papers end up left in the street to disintegrate and then the plastic wrapper gets blown by the wind. I pick the ones in my drveway up and pile them on my carport. sometimes we use the paper as kindling to get a fire going in the firepit and that is all it is good for. Please someone, make it stop!

  6. If one puts up a sign that says something like "No delivery of newspapers for this property, all attempts will be considered littering and subjected to a fine of $50.00"

    Would that work?

  7. Write them a certified letter, stating that you have a newspaper disposal business that would like to work for them.

    State that they are welcome to place as many newspapers they want on your lawn, and you will dispose of them for $1000 each. Or...make sure it goes to small claims, state $9,999 per year, pre-paid when the first newspaper arrives. Small claims is easier to win your suit yourself, and they can't have an attorney represent them there.

    Don't forget your terms - net due upon receipt, 1.5% per month late charge, etc.

    When they litter on your yard, take a picture of the newspaper. Send them a bill, certified, along with a copy of the picture, copy of the offer, and copy of the receipt for the original letter.

    Wait 30 days for them to not pay. Call them and speak with a real live person about the matter. Resend your info, and let them know that you will take them to court in 30 days.

    At 60 days, file suit. Win a judgement. Split the profits with a local collection agency.

  8. I used to have a labelled trash can tied to my mailbox post, and asked the delivery person if she had to deliver here, could she please hit the can? She did pretty good for a few months, and I added all the ones from the neighbors' who didn't pick their's up. Then I dumped them at the entrance of the DT's driveway. Wet, they froze there overnight!
    Lot's of hard work and satisfaction, but now I like 4:48's idea!

  9. put them in the street the city will handle it

  10. don't dump them at the doorstep of the dt's I say take them to greg bassats house and dump them in his front lawn and see how he likes it.

  11. I contacted the circulation manager, at the time Nikki Lavigne, explaining that I did not subscribe to the paper and did not want the weekly junk delivered to my address. Then every time it was left in my yard or on my sidewalk I contacted her directly and made them send someone out to pick it up. They finally got the message after about 7 weeks.

  12. Right, just charge them with littering!

  13. All you have to do is get your elected officials to tell the Dailey times they will be charged with littering. It works. Trust me.

    August 21, 2012 2:56 PM

    Well, if it worked, why did they resume doing it?

    I want to trust you but I just can't believe you.

  14. I contacted them years ago and have not seen one in my yard since.

  15. Please keep them coming!!!! I use them for my table when i get crabs!!!


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