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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Court Rules Georgia Police May Verify Immigration Status

A federal appeals court has ruled law enforcement in Georgia may verify the immigration status of criminal suspects who fail to produce proper identification.
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Monday that a hold blocking that section of the state's 2011 immigration law should be lifted. It was not immediately clear when that would happen.


  1. If our sheriff could do his job we wouldn't have a problem with illegals laughing at him. They say, Ha Ha he's our size!
    Round em' up and ship em' south Mike!
    Every county sheriff across America should do this.
    Forget DHS,INS,ICE. They failed.
    Then, when the Government sue's, just don't respond like Obama!

    Win, Win. And, perfect timing for the election.
    Go meet the challenge Mike!
    Don't let these Mexicans get over on you anymore!!!
    Are you going to keep letting them make you look impotent?
    THEY are breaking the LAW!

  2. Mike doesn't have the balls or the initiative to do anything remotely like that.

    He is much too busy installing speed cameras for any real law enforcement.

    Try going 12 over the speed limit and he might treat you like an illegal alien. lol


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