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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Speed cameras in front of Parkside. 25 MPH sign is flashing, meaning if you go 37 you'll get a ticket.


  1. If you are going 37 in a 25 zone you deserve a ticket.

  2. If you are going 37 in a 25 zone you deserve a ticket.

    August 21, 2012 3:14 PM

    you deserve one for being stupid

  3. It's a zone where people who use it everyday are accustomed to the normal posted speed of 35. So if traffic is moving briskly, a driver may not see the newly activated flashing light.

  4. And if you really want to be stupid take it to court.Trust me,its like talking to the wall.

  5. 4:09pm
    If the school zone speed limit is 25 mph & a light is flashing, then the traffic should not be "moving briskly".

  6. The speed cameras don't change the speed for school hours.

  7. I know someone who received 8 tickets, just last week, from speed cameras in Salisbury and Denton. She was going anywhere from 8 to 12 miles over the posted speed limit on these tickets. She plans on disputing each and every one of them in court by saying it was not her behind the wheel and it really was her that was driving. The ones in Salisbury are on her route to work and she passes them every day. The ones in Denton are near someone who she visits weekly.
    The only thing I know about the speed cameras is that if you speed it takes a picture of your car (license plate), a ticket is generated, and you get it in the mail. If you take it to court and try and dispute it, by saying it wasn't you, will the court (a) ask you to prove it wasn't you driving, and/or (b) issue the ticket to the person who was actually driving?

  8. I would rather get caught by a speed camera than by the black state trooper near the city park that is racial profiling white women!

  9. 7:34
    Hear here?
    He is disgusting

  10. Racial profiling? Do you have proof or is that just a random accusation?

  11. 4:09. It is not new. It has been there for several years. You are obviously one of the many motorists that do not pay attention. Exactly why we need enforcement/reinforcement.

  12. How about we have law enforcement in all agencies start doing saturation radar...rather than working on violent crimes. I want them to write real tigers for as little as 5 over. Then you bunch of shiners will pay a 90 dollar ticket and get the points but hey...you will " get to face your accuser" right? Isn't that what your argument is? Then what would your argument be? I am sure you will think of something...and probably wish you had the 40 dollar fine without the points for breaking the law. Btw....why haven't people cried over the years if the got a parking ticket placed on their vehicle when it may have been because of someone they lent the car to? Hint....don't lend your stuff to lawbreakers.

  13. 7:20....tell your friend that I am happy that she chose to break the law to fund law enforcement, rather than my taxes go up because of lawbreakers like her. Oh...btw...good luck with that court thing. The judge should triple the fine for stupidity.

  14. Replies
    1. What..cant stand the truth crybaby

  15. 7:20 - The automated speed/red light citations are issued to the owner of a vehicle; not necessarily the operator. They are CIVIL fines, not CRIMINAL.

    "It wasn't me driving" is not a defense, by law - unless you identify to the court who was, in effect getting that person cited for the violation.

  16. So much for innocent before proven guilty

  17. Comment in text;STFD.


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