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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Scooter Accident


One rider involved, no automobiles. Rider ok. Corner of Snow Hill and Johnson Rd.

Ladder truck to a guy who fell off of a scooter!


  1. That is pathetic. The other day they sent a ladder truck, a chiefs car and an ambulance to a person who accidentally shot themselves in the foot with a pellet gun. And this is why they need 12 more paid firemen.

  2. Scooter Riders/drivers should be required to pass a test just like motorcycle riders. These people are dangerous to life and limb..

  3. wait till Oct 1 they have to register the moped and wear a helmet lol insurance is optional still wondering why they dont check them for a license which is needed to operate one

  4. Does anyone else think this is overkill? Perhaps this is the SFD answer to quick response times since all the bad publicity their grant and the mayor's failure to check the paperwork was reported. I wonder????????

  5. Just out of curiosity, do they know upon dispatch the specifics of the incident/accident? This does seem like overkill, but if they were not aware until arriving at the scene???


  6. What's dangerous is what we have working at the fire department. There appears to be no leadership there. The fox is guarding the hen house so to speak.
    Don't they have any control over what equiptmant is being used and when. Wasn't that long ago i read where they were joy riding the then new ladder truck. When was the last time the million dollar fire boat was used (for what it was bought for).
    Now they want to spend a milliom dollars on new firemen? Million for this, million for that. WTF.

  7. Did that improve their response time?
    Wow, nothing to do but spend and waste.

  8. Cross your fingers....a new set of laws is coming October 1st concerning the legal operation of these annoying little motor driven vehicles.

  9. Waste of resources? I think so.

  10. First of all let me make it clear that I am NOT on the side of the fire dept. I believe that they are just as corrupt as any political office. That being said I would like to comment on the use of the ladder truck as I am a former fire fighter. Due to the limited number of personnel on duty at any one time, vehicles such as the ladder truck are taken to the scene in case another call comes in where that truck will actually be needed. That way it saves time from having to go all the way back to the station and trade vehicles. They can simply go from one scene to another. Again, I'm not trying to defend them, but in this particular situation there is a legitimate explanation or should I say, a method to the madness.

  11. what you people dont understand and never will unless you in a fd is that the ladder truck has tools on it such as hurst cutters and spredders and such. just because its a ladder turck responding to an accident you all cry the blues about waste. When a call goes out central doesnt say hey guys its a little scooter bike that fell. they call uit out as an MVC with injuries/ involving a scooter. so the FD responds with what piece is designated to respond to such incidents, its all in the SOP's (Standard operating procedures) of each FD. they dont just go to every call with whatever piece they want. You want to talk about a waste of tax payers dollars and abuse of power lets look at our fine officers of the law speeding more than 20-30 mph over , using state and county cars for personal use, leaving their vehicles running while inside a store ( i understand the k-9 units having to do this) sending 4 and 5 officers to a traffic stop of two people. look at that before you all bitch and cry about fire fighters doing what they are instructed to do just because you all with no knowledge of the fire department think it is unnecessary. I know someone is going to say " im in a FD" or something bogus as that but if you truly are in what these fire fighters did on this incident is exactly what they do on every car accident they brought the right tools for the right job end of story.

  12. forgot to add that after a unit is responding they might have been given further info on the incident but central has to go off what the caller states so if you are the caller give a very detailed description this will cut back on the "waste" you all think is going on. as for tower 16 riding around town. Different shift at the FD brings different Fire fighters which in turn brings different drivers/ pump operators. Every pump operator has to get a feel for that truck so when responding to a call they dont wreck that investment something else for you all to bitch about. Now that everyone who can operate that apparatus has been trained on it you dont see it out driving all over the place. They dont just go around wasting money because they feel like it they have higher ups to answer to ( the highest being the mayor ) a mayor that you all voted for so again dont bitch about something you dont have knowledge about it just makes you all look extremely stupid

  13. The ladder is staffed, likely has 1 paramedic, 3 EMT's and also likely a full complement of ALS equipment.

    Would you rather they sit in the station while a person dies on the side of the road? Would you rather they sit at the station when you are having chest pains two blocks away?

    Please, stop being ignorant. Yes, the 'appearance' might not be good, but learn more about how the system works. A lot of thought has gone into it.

  14. I was there, the guy was standing next to the woman that called 911

  15. I had a fender bender in the mall parking lot in December. There were three police cars, an ambulance, a fire truck and a haz mat truck (to clean up windshield washer fluid). The only thing missing was the fire boat. I'm sure they would have brought that too if they could.

  16. Chris, its a good thing you don't run a business you would soon be out of business. All of you saying we don't understand, the fact is you don't understand the waste in government. Fire-boat = waste and a giant ladder truck for Salisbury = waste. If you want to blame Central fix the problem. Don't forget the fancy paint job on a 2 year old truck, WASTE

  17. Thanks Chris for the good explanations. I for one would always be grateful for too much response rather than not enough. Recently had a burning smell we couldn't identify in the house. Called the FD as a precaution and did feel a bit embarrassed when the street filled up with equipment and flashing lights for what turned out to be nothing. However we were thankful for the fast response, courtesy shown to us by the responders and rest easier every day knowing we have such great emergency services.

  18. perception is the person's reality

  19. Its not overkill. The truck is set up as a barrier for the ems crews, police, and citizens involved. Since the incident was on a public road way. Next ?

  20. Jeez, this is fascinating. How was this call dispatched, as I'm sure you kept a recording of the dispatch? In a neighboring county, one of the dispatch terms is "traumatic injury". This can be an angulated, fractured leg with an arterial bleed OR this can be a fingernail folded back. Both are dispatched as the same thing. Only after the equipment is already responded is there an update as to the actual type of injury. So what should be sent, just an ambulance, a full medic unit, a rescue, an engine, or perhaps just a chief's car to determine what is needed. Then you can argue and complain that time is wasted. The responses of 6:47, 6:52, 7:02, and 7:22 are sensible and accurate statements. I, personally, hate to see all that equipment show on one of my scenes, BUT it sure is nice to have them when scene is NOT exactly how it was dispatched.

    BTW, what kind of vehicle do you own and drive? Is it what you need or what you want, yes, there's a difference. Is your personal vehicle a bit of an OVERKILL??? Fire/EMS have had to do some overkill because MOST of you will not volunteer your time to FIRE/EMS. Instead of complaining, why not try volunteering..........????

  21. Really people..god forbid you ever need help

  22. So, you are saying responding a ladder to a mvc is a waste. What do you suggest they bring? I'm certain this call was dispatched as a mvc with injuries hence a fire dept response. It standard procedure to respond with an ambulance and fire apparatus of some type. If this had been on the corner of 50 and nanticoke road you would have seen a fire engine, would that make you feel better? That ladder can do the exact same thing on this call as an engine can. To the person who says Salisbury doesn't need a ladder, I hope you do not live in a structure with more than 3 stories.. If you do and you become trapped the only thing to reach you is a ladder, most engines do not carry a ground ladder tall enough to reach you. And before you say just a paid fireman, I'm not a member of Salisbury.

  23. Anonymous said...

    Just out of curiosity, do they know upon dispatch the specifics of the incident/accident? This does seem like overkill, but if they were not aware until arriving at the scene???

    August 15, 2012 5:52 PM

    Yes and the fire departments response is called free lancing. It is accepted and expected by the acting fire chief to have the paid fire crews respond on every call the ambulance responds on or the company officer will be brought up on charges and possibly fired. They need the fire calls increased to justify getting 12 new firefighters.

  24. So why have a truck company on scene? Well, if things turn out worse than they were dispatched, extra help is already there. If the injuries are minor and the pt is going to be a refusal, truck company can handle that and the ambulance can go back into service.

    More than likely, it was dispatched as MVC-motorcycle. What if the guy had cracked his noggin and was in neuro shock? You expect the EMS crew to block traffic, provide pt care, and transport by themselves?

    Regarding the 12 positions that would be covered by a government grant. If you are really complaining, apparently you have never had to work an MVC or god forbid a structure fire with only officer, driver, and firefighter on the first due apparatus. Until you have, your opinions remain uninformed and you are ignorant of the working realities of career fire and EMS.

    I'm not in any way associated with SFD. I support them because they do a job most of you don't have the balls to do, and are understaffed, underpaid, and have to listen to a huge amount of bureaucratic bs.

  25. The constant whining about SFD is a waste, if you don't like what you see, do something about it, like volunteer.

  26. Remember folks all of this equipment needs to be paid for when used, guess what pays??, Your auto insurance! Now you know why insurance is so high!

  27. The roadway was clear and traffic had resumed normal flow before the call was ever made.

    If central dispatch is not asking for more details durning the call, what good are they

  28. anon 7:45 PM

    I dont need to own a business to know that what was done here was not a waste. use your name if you want to bash me. I doubt very seriously that you are a business owner leaving a comment at 7:45 pm must not be very busy at your place if you have time to post or you close at 5 right? if you have all this extra time and opinions, volunteer some of that time to your community to make it better instead of bashing the ones who do. The fact is you cant, you wont and never will however if your "business" catches on fire, or employee injures themselves or one of your customers gets hurt, those wastefull dollars you speak of WILL be responding to bail your @$$ out of a jam reguardless of your opinions and doubts about the fire/ ems service. Why? because thats what we do. We protect and help people that are in need of it and we do it not for recognition or boasting that we own a business but because it helps our brothers and sisters it makes a better community. Your hate posting and bashing is a prime example of why more people need to be humbled by the fire/ems service. Those reading this post who are true to the job know exactly what I mean. that 4:30 am call to a non breathing and to get that PT back... again anon 7:45 you just cant begin to understand. I actually feel sorry that you dont

  29. If Salisbury had a dollar and a volunteer for all the monday morning qb's, fireboat maintenance would be paid off for 20 years and they would have enough personnel to staff the air-light truck at station 1 every day.

    Just saying.


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