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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Detective Michael Zullo is surprised to say the least. He is chief investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse looking into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate. At a recent press conference, he presented his evidence, which he says points to forgery. He expected the media to follow up with questions about the evidence. What he got was unabashed hostility.

“I really didn’t expect them to come out of the gate attacking us as they did,” Mr. Zullo said.

Nearly a month has passed since a July 17 press conference where Mr. Zullo presented evidence which he says proves that Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a fraud. “They didn’t pick up on anything. They just don’t want to know about this,” he said. “We presented the most compelling stuff that we know we can prove. That’s the other side of it. We can prove this. This isn’t speculation anymore.”



  1. Sheriff Joe, I feel your pain, but you, along with everyone else, failed to expand your search to find the REAL birth certificate. No one is looking in Kenya or any other country to find real proof. A false document is just a piece of litter. A REAL document is a real document.

  2. Obama does possess a real document in a issued SS number. The number is 042-68-4425 that was at one time issued to Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig from Connecticut. Ludwig is dead. Obama never lived in that state, so how can this be legal? Problem is Congress has no balls to get an answer of fraud. They fear a race riot and looting.

  3. They should also be asking why Barak Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro accepted a full scholarship from a FOREIGN student aid program, tax payers money.
    So, is he a citizen? Or a foreign national? Or, did he commit fraud?
    Can't have it both ways Barak.

  4. Can't believe he's surprised. The media didn't vet him. They're sure not gonna report on anyone doing so. They put him in and they will do their damnedest to keep him in.

  5. The media is in on the conspiracy. There isn't any other logical explanation. Get ready for war folks, it is coming.

  6. Seriously people, how can you still believe in this crap. It's fine to not like Obama. We can just vote him out. That's what our Democracy is all about. This ridiculous idea that Obama was not born in the US just makes people look petty, bigoted and downright stupid. Face the facts, get over it and focus your energy on something productive like helping out at the Republican campaign headquarters to get a better alternative elected.

  7. 8:29 - How is looking for real proof of this "man's" true citizenship bigoted, petty OR downright stupid? I guess following the masses like a good sheep isn't petty, bigoted or downright stupid. The public shouldn't have to beg this moron for any of this information. If he's hiding something, ANYTHING, then he is not fit to be the POTUS.

  8. LOL 10:03, you say he's a "moron" in one breadth, but in the next he came up with quite an elaborate scheme to hide his true identity and rise to the highest office in the land? Have you taken your pills today?

  9. The records in Kenya were closed to inspection also. Remember, this all started when Obama's own grandmother said she was present at his birth in KENYA! Obama should release proof of his educational transcripts if the Dems insist on Romney's tax returns.

  10. There has never been, in the entire history of the USA, a President who has spent so much money and so much time and so many resources in order to hide, obscure, and officially prevent the release of his historical background information. Never. And despite these actions (who would take THREE YEARS to show us a BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!?) not a single liberal is even slightly suspicious? If your wife tried to hide all the information that obama has tried to hide, would you wonder "whats up with THAT?"?


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