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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2,362 Millionaires Got Unemployment Benefits

There were 2,362 people who earned a million dollars or more in taxable income in 2009 and who also received federal unemployment benefits that year, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service.
In fact, these millionaires collectively raked in more than $20 million in unemployment benefits.
The Congressional Research Service report--Receipt of Unemployment Insurance by Higher-Income Unemployed Workers (“Millionaires”)--was published on Aug. 2 and was based on the most recent data available from the Internal Revenue Service.


  1. And that's why EVERYONE should be subjected to means testing for unemployment and other entitlements. That's how you stop this but neither side has the cojones to step up to the plate.

  2. And you all grip about the everyday middle class collecting unemployment when they lost jobs.

  3. They paid into it as well as anyone else.

  4. Prolly eligible for free Obama Phones, too.

  5. 543-The middle class pays nothing in federal taxes and use the most entitlements, so yeah, they're a problem too!

    The bottom 52% don't pay federal taxes, and that works out to everyone making under 50K per year.

  6. 7:16 - Proof please. I know for a fact that the middle class (that's me) pays quite well into the federal tax system with little to no 'entitlements'.

    Keep drinking that Kool-Aid... Baaaa

  7. Under Romney they would be even better off!

  8. You have got to be kidding me Anon 7:16!!! I make under 52K a year and pay a TON of Federal Taxes. What planet do you live on! You insulting piece of garbage.


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