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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Than Empire State Building Shooting Friday

The Empire State building shooting last Friday dominated the news, but it wasn't the only mass shooting in America. The night before in Chicago, 19 people were s hot in a s eries of mas s s hootings acros s the city. With the Aurora theatre s hooting and the recent Sikh temple shooting still fresh in our minds, mass shootings have reached epidemic levels in America. Gun activists will argue this is proof that the nation should have even more guns so people can protect themselves and spring into action by returning fire when someone starts shooting, but what happened in New York City at the Empire State building proves that point wrong. Ballis tic tes ts s how that all nine bys tanders who were injured during the s hoot-out in the s treet, were shot by police – not the gunman. In other words, even highly trained officers were unable to take down the shooter without als o firing errant bullets into innocent bys tanders . One can only imagine the tragedy if thos e bys tanders were als o armed and decided to join the shoot-out. Plain and simple, more guns make our nation more dangerous – and anyone who says otherwise is just looking to make a profit off more gun sales.


  1. If a bystander was armed,realized a police officer had shot him,returned fire and killed the police officer,what then?

  2. there is a reason that the shootings in Chicago don't get reported on. all the violence in chicago, especially gun violence, flies in the face of the democrat narrative that says "gun bans=no crime". keep your eyes open people, if we continue down the current political path we're on the rest of this nation will start looking like chicago looks now.

  3. no, it only proves that CHICAGO is out of control with CRIME and that a couple NY cops cant hit a target.

  4. more legal guns and easier to obtain carry permits make our nation safer.

    anyone that says otherwise is a fear monger

  5. bs...maybe more training but not less weapons to protect. just a reminder-people kill people,not the weapon. they do it with knives, cars, etc..and the list goes on.

  6. I Still want my Maryland CCW

  7. An armed society is a polite,safe and free society.

  8. Chicago is gun free. These stories can't be true! This could only happen if guns were allowed there.


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