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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Chicago needs Wyatt Earp
The last few days have seen an astonishing explosion of violence in the city of Chicago.

Two nights ago, 4 were killed and 15 wounded in a spree where 13 of those victims were shot in just 1/2 an hour.

Last night, one was killed and 16 wounded in another spasm of violence. So far this August, there have been 50 homicides in the city, 15 more than occurred in August, 2011.

This website gives the gory details. Hundreds have been wounded in addition to the record number of homicides.

Meanwhile, police arrested 20 “juveniles” for “rowdy” behavior along the Magnificent Mile. Kids were pushing pedestrians, darting in and out of traffic as police pursued the gang up and down Michigan avenue.

The city is being rocked by lawlessness. Simply put, the streets are unsafe anywhere. There have been a lot of theories about why the sudden outbreak of violence is occurring. Blame is being assigned to Mayor Emanuel or the economic situation that has meant far fewer jobs for young men.

It hardly matters. The question is, what should be done about it?



  1. It is statistically safer in Kabul
    Afghanistan than Obama's own hood.

  2. And to think the president, and all his men (chief of staff) couldn't put Chicago back together again.

  3. the problem and solution rests squarely where all the people of the "fine" city of chicago have chosen to place there votes for several generations. a corrupt and pandering democrat party that gives nothing but lip service and false hope to those who need it the least.

  4. It's okay, Rham Emanuel is in complete control, and the citizens have no self defense! Blago is out, and the Dems are running the show! In tonight's episode, more will die in the mayhem.

  5. Its the white man's faught !

  6. It's ironic that now with obama at the helm the country has experienced more mass shootings then ever.

  7. Must not be much Hope and Change in Chicago. Wonder why...

  8. Evacuate the ones the want to leave first, then build a wall around Chicago and let the lawless trash kill each other off.


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