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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lunch Workers Across U.S. study How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy

There will be more whole grains on school lunch menus this year, along with a wider selection of fruits and vegetables and other healthy options. The challenge is getting children to eat them.

"We don't want healthy trash cans. We want kids who are eating this stuff," said Kern Halls, a former Disney World restaurant manager who now works in school nutrition at Orange County Public Schools in Florida.

At a School Nutrition Association conference in Denver this summer, food workers heard tips about how to get children to make healthy food choices in the cafeteria.



  1. Don't serve then junk food!

  2. The sad thing is, those who receive welfare, get free breakfast and lunches for their children. So, a lot of the children will have no choice but to eat what is served or go hungry until they get home and can have a well balanced dinner (insert sarcasm here), from Food Stamps if their parents don't eat it all first. Nothing like Generic brand chicken nuggets and fries for the children while Mom and Dad have steak and crab inperial!

  3. 6:20 PM

    BS. No Kid in wicomico county goes Hungry. Who the He## you trying to pull that one on? This is not the 1920's. By the looks of the kids over feeding the problem.

  4. No kid goes hungry in Wicomico County? I guess you have never offered to help feed the homeless at a shelter which does include some children at times. I have and do believe that many go to bed hungry. If they are lucky enough to even have a bed. I refuse to argue with a person who honestly believes your post.

  5. A little off topic, but Pinehurst Elementary offers free breakfast to all students. This really bothers me, with the BOE always complaining about budgets, and cuts. However, they can afford to feed every child a free breakfast?! I refuse to let my children utilize this, but many parents who can afford to feed their own children at home find it easier to save time, and allow their children to indulge in this free breakfast. I'm all for feeding the children who are in need, but not for people taking advantage of things they don't need. I'm not sure if this is the only school in the county that does this.

  6. Nothing like Generic brand chicken nuggets and fries for the children while Mom and Dad have steak and crab inperial!

    August 21, 2012 6:20 PM

    I see nothing wrong with that. They are kids for goodness sakes. They probably prefer chicken nuggets to seafood.


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