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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Hug Lady


  1. Sometimes hugs are better then sex. They are more personal and fulfilling.

  2. All I can say, with tears in my eyes is "WOW". Wish there was more like her. map

  3. Hard to understand what a screwed up country we have now--the best and brightest of us are risking their lives for a lazy immoral and dishonest populace that leeches off of the working taxpayer. God help us.

  4. Beautiful.

    I really appreciate that group that welcomes home soldiers here.

  5. Kudos, our brave soldiers deserve everyone's help. Did anyone hear on CBS news that now, the military won't let our soldiers have helping dogs unless approved by them? How tragic! These men & women fight to keep up free, then we they come back (if they come back) broken and sick, our government can't let them keep or have helper dogs. Have we sunk that low?? Perhaps if the president and his family cut back on their trips and so much golf, our brave men & women could have their pets. And let's not forget Michelle who gets on tv with Biden's wife touting helping our troops what lip service. Put your money where your mouth is.


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