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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bloomberg: ‘Nobody Has Come Across the [U.S.-Mexico] Border in a Long Time'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said last week that "nobody" had illegal crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in a "long time."
Bloomberg also advised that it would be easier for those wishing to illegally immigrate to the United States to simply buy a ticket to fly here and then overstay their visa.
He was speaking in Boston at an Aug. 14 forum on immigration sponsored by the New England Council. He shared the stage for the forum with News Corporation Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch.


  1. Bloomberg is right. Illegals aren't coming here by illegally crossing the borders. They are here illegally because they have overstayed their work visas.

  2. He can see the border from New York?

  3. What a liberal idiot

  4. 5:50?

    Are you blind?
    The majority of Illegals ARE Latin American and never had a work Visa.
    Anyone that believes the border is not being crossed in droves is really naive.
    Obama has pulled back border patrol.
    Of course its easy to say no one is crossing, if there are no border patrol agents there to see them.

  5. And this guy got elected as a mayor? Oh, I forgot, he's a Democrat. I now just answered my own question. Democrats will elect anyone. Hell, Democrats will elect a president with a Social Security number from a dead man.

  6. Is he on some mexican drug coming into this country by...wait for it....illegal methods? This is the same guy who wants to ban large sodas, force all mothers to breast feed their babies, and who knows what the next thing will be in his crazied brain!

  7. "buy a plane ticket"? What?! Yep, they all have the money and ID's to do THAT.


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