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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Is Your Neighbor a Democrat? Obama Has An App For That

Curious how many Democrats live on your block? Just download the Obama campaign's new mobile app.

The app, released last week, includes a Google map for canvassers that recognizes your current location and marks nearby Democratic households with small blue flags.

For each targeted address, the app displays the first name, age and gender of the voter or voters who live there: "Lori C., 58 F, Democrat."



  1. Big Brother is watching!

  2. LOL, it may show how one is registered, but not how they vote!

  3. I hope all my neighbors are democrat

  4. 932AM....you are of those who have been misinformed and really do need to look at the whole picture! With our country in the worst shape ever and fearing another four years would lead us to total destruction - not sure why you would think that way you do.


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