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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Chicago: One of US's Least Gun-Friendly Cities Now One of World's Deadliest

The city of Chicago is one of the least gun-friendly cities in America, if not the least gun-friendly altogether. The city went decades with an all-out handgun ban, which necessarily took away the option of using such guns for self-defense, until the Supreme Court found the ban unconstitutional in 2010 (via McDonald v. Chicago).



  1. Don't forget, part of Chicago's hate of guns dates back to the days of Al Capone and all the police officers he shot down.

    Really sad what's happening there now.

    That lady's sign says it all.

  2. Normal citizens get it from both sides.
    Thugs with drugs and the thugs with badges.

  3. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. How many times does this need to be said?


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