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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Former NAACP Leader Defies Racial Politics In New Movie, 'Runaway Slave'

If Barack Obama weren’t black, would most black voters really have reason to support him?

Rev. C.L. Bryant, a former chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, is boldly challenging whether the expanding government programs and progressive ideals espoused by Obama and his allies are actually helpful to black people or whether “the sons and daughters of former slaves traded one form of slavery for yet another.”

“Black people are very uninformed,” Bryant told WND, one of the key reasons he has made “Runaway Slave,” a powerful new movie blowing the lid off racial politics.



  1. Rev C.L. Bryant is correct. Alot of people (whites included) are slaves to the government who they depend on for housing, food, medical treatment, etc. They are in no way shape or form independant and are dependants (synonomous with the word slave) to the government.

  2. Bryant is playing the game and you all are falling for it.

  3. 5:48, you a so deceived. bryant speaks truth. he's one of many black leaders finally coming forth to expose the stupidity of the left.

    no dear, you FELL for it. it's not fun being blind, but you still have time to do your research and turn around.

  4. What "game" is that 5:48?
    You know darn right well Bryant speaks the truth and the left can't stand it. Truisms such as this, infuriate the left.

  5. We work to support the millions who do nothing. Who are the slaves and who are the masters?

  6. Its the Governments answer to reparations.
    Yes, they have made working class Americans slaves to there whim to feed clothe and care for the non working.
    More takers than givers at this point.


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