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Friday, August 31, 2012

Free Vitamins Program Launched For Students

Apple Discount Drugs, a locally owned and operated pharmacy, has announced the kick-off of a free vitamins program for students in Wicomico and Worcester counties.

The program was developed to help keep kids healthy and in school. Wicomico and Worcester school officials have partnered with the pharmacy to make parents with students in prekindergarten through the sixth grade aware of the free vitamins program.



  1. Big Pharma is charging YOU for this through the drugs you NEED TO STAY ALIVE! That's how it works, and now, with Obamacare, more crap like this will happen. Medicare and Medicaid are having to pay this bill.
    Throw out obama, Obamacare and every executive order Obama made. Vote Romney. I would have said Vote Paul, but the republicans have their boots on our necks anyway. Hopefully, the future elections will phase out the Dems, and be between the Libertarians and Republicans!

  2. The paperwork I received from my sons school said riverside pharmacy..

  3. Okay if they are not cheap synthetic ones that don't do any good. They must be all natural and dissolve quickly in order to help improve your immune system.


  4. I love how this counyry loves to give out pills to kids.

  5. For real 9:05! I wonder who came up with this insane idea, no doubt propped up with taxpayers money all on the "advice" (lobby) of yes 6:15 Big Pharma.
    If they were truly concerned with children's nutritional needs then all government assisted food programs would follow WIC's model and only allow healthy foods to be purchased.
    Teaching children to pop unneeded, unneccessary pills is not ever "a win win" situation.


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