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Friday, August 31, 2012

Texas Voter ID Ruling Based On 'Faked' Data

A radical group that has a history of biased research provided data utilized in a federal case in which the court yesterday blocked a new voter ID law in Texas, ruling the state failed to show that the law would not harm the voting rights of minorities, WND has learned.

The voter ID data collected by the group, the Brennan Center for Justice, has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies.



  1. I can't help but think that the voter ID issue, is really a non-issue. No one has ever proven that there has been wide spread voter fraud that can be solved by a voter ID law. As I see it, the voter ID will only prevent people from voting who don't have ID. This isn't about preventing voter ID fraud... it's about preventing voting.

    I would ABSOLUTELY change my opinion if anyone could provide evidence to the contrary... I've just never seen anything compelling to change my mind. I HAVE seen voter registration fraud... but this did not end up in voting fraud.

  2. I see absolutely no reason why voting is any different than any other thing in life, except it is the root and heart of our secure nation. Asking to see an ID is in use to buy certain products, get a job, enter certain venues, in other words, be a part of society. There are many among us who do not posess this item, and are here illegally. For them to have a venue that they can say a name and vote for my president, is ludicrous.

  3. @6:47
    How about someone being offered Eric Holder's ballot in his home district?

  4. Voter fraud is rampant.

  5. @7:33 Voting is a right all Americans have, and the law protects that right in many ways. Having to show ID to buy cigarettes, beer, have a job, or fly on a plane are not rights and are not protected by the law the same way. If we need ID for everything we do, doesn't that sound much like "papers please"? Voting is a right, and by the law of the country, unfortunately anything that would prevent someone from voting will violate that right. (I have yet to see any compelling evidence of rampant voter fraud that would be solved by an ID, produce some and I'll change my mind)

  6. 326, look at the youtube video of the guy asking for Eric Holder's ballot, then watch all related linkd next to that. When you wake up after falling asleep most likely waaaay before your 3 am comment, you may see the light. I can show you the proof, but I can't make you comprehend it.


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