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Friday, August 31, 2012

DNC Chair Stonewalls Conservative Media... at RNC

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Chair of the Democratic National Committee, showed up on radio row at the Tampa Convention Center at the Republican National Convention today and promptly insisted that any conservative media be ushered away. Her assistants reportedly required that National Public Radio – NPR! – issue a list of questions before Wasserman Schultz would do a sit-down. And when conservative media crowded around Wasserman Schultz, eager to ask the Chair of the DNC a question or two, her handlers complained loudly to staff, questioning why Wasserman Schultz should even be in earshot of the conservative rabble.

On radio row. At the Republican National Convention.

Scott Hogenson, the professional volunteer for the RNC who dealt with Wasserman Schultz’s aides, told the aides, “I can’t exactly tackle 30 or 40 reporters. This is a media gaggle.” As Hogenson spoke, the exchange was overheard by veteran ABC News Radio reporter Steven Portnoy, who could be seen shaking his head.



  1. She is out of her league.

  2. They are afraid of the questions because they have no answers!

  3. All she does is skirt the issue in typical liberal speak often lying about the facts. Conservative voices are ringing loud and clear these days. We like our freedom and we're gonna keep it.

  4. I hope she is on TV more often.
    I love to see her lie, dodge, misrepresent, squirm when shes caught, and generally make a fool of herself and the Obama regime.
    We need more of her, Uncle Joe, Nasty Nancy, Batty Boxer, Hazy Harry and the King of Fraud Barak the sheik exposed as the Marxist they are.

  5. typically this is a verboten move. If she's there, she needs to submit to media scrutiny like everybody else.

  6. She's afraid of another public slapping down like the one she got from, of all people, usually left leaning Anderson Cooper from CNN. Creditable jouralists are only going to let her lie for so long because then they themselves lose credibility. She's got to stick with safe territory otherwise she won't have a platform to spread her lies anymore.

  7. Schultz and those like her are the reason the democratic party is imploding. Wolf Blitzer also caught her in a lie recently having to do with Paul Ryan and Medicare. Must have been some of the real "intellects" of the democratic party who made her Chair of the DNC. These "intellects" are a gift that keeps on giving to the GOP.


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