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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


'Man we was just on the news foe hitting dat man'

Six teens arrested recently in the Cincinnati suburb of North College Hill for beating 45-year-old Pat Mahaney reportedly told police they ambushed the man because they were bored.

Mahaney, who was walking to his mother’s home when he was blindsided by the group of teens and left unconscious, spent four days in intensive care. One of the attackers allegedly threw a beer can at Mahaney’s head. Mahaney is reportedly unemployed and lacks health insurance.



  1. bunch of thugs who will grow into criminals who get welfare, sell drugs, and feel that everyone owes them something.

  2. Al Sharpton and jesse where on you when this hate crime hits. nowhere just like i thought

  3. Harmless fun by a bunch of teens with nothing else to do.

  4. 6PM Are you nuts anytime you beat someone it is not harmless fun.You must have been beat up and lost your common sense at some point in life. What a ignorant comment.

  5. Note the sarcasm with my 6pm comment.

  6. I'm sure there will be no hate crime charges since apparently you can't hate white people.

  7. Coming to Salisbury soon! Sit on your porch and watch the action if our current mayor builds more ghetto slums in downtown!

  8. And Maryland does not issue carry permits. So be it. This would not happen to me, although, I do not have a permit. If they got through 2 clips of 9 shots each, then I would die.

  9. 6:28 you are just as bad as the rest of the liberal do nothings. You say, " Just sit on the porch and watch". That's the problem we have now. Just sit on the porch and watch. Well, go ahead, and the thugs will take your porch and everything in your home. Today, in this Country, there too many like you, who just sit and watch. Now, just go on in the house and lock the doors and if you hear a little noise just call 911. By the time they get there you will be toast. That was not a threat. That was a statement that you had better learn to protect yourself.

  10. 7:57 What I left out was the sarcasim in my comment. My fault. I am ready and WILL take care of mysef and mine and have the ammo to back it up. Sorry for the confusion in my previous post. I a NOT a sissy who will sit back and watch. I just just worded my comment wrong.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The time is rapidly approaching when everyone will have to carry a weapon at all times to survive.

  13. Its a darn shame its not the old gunsmoke days cause u wouldnt have to worry about it.

  14. 8:45 Truly I'am on your side and gladly stand with you. This is 7:57. Isn't it sad that our Country and the political parties, and MSM, wish to control your mind. I'am a registered Republican, but I believe that any woman should have choice to carry a child or not. The Government as no place to legislate morals. There are a bunch of Republicans out here that believe in a womens right to chose.

  15. Nothing but hoodrats that will be future felons


  16. Thugs comment on his FB page.

    Lamont Champion

    2 hours ago via mobile.

    man des crazy ppl puttin all des lies up n stuff sayin n talm bout killin families im tired of dis i bearly did anything to dat man dey jus took dat to ah whole different level cuz he white wtf do yo skin color matter foe i mean i feel sorry foe him but if he was black it would of been dne widd its just crazy da police aint even tryin to help foreal n who eva said dey bored dumb man dey made it worse fuck dis if i get let ho free or on da box isweare ima change my life

  17. Its a darn shame its not the old gunsmoke days cause u wouldnt have to worry about it.

    August 21, 2012 10:45 PM

    lol. It would be more like the Apple Dumpling Gang.

    Everyone would be shooting, reloading and shooting some more and everything would be hit except for the target.

  18. These idiots were released from jail??? Why? They should be incarcerated and from their jail 'earnings' pay for this man's medical costs, divided six ways they would probably have it paid off by the time they die.

  19. It's hilarious to see how hypocritical Jackson and Sharpton are. Quick to jump on the bandwagon when they believe it is beneficial to the black community. But when it requires digging in to actually fix something they are no where to be found. That's why your are no Martin Luther King because no one respects a hypocrite.

  20. 11:17 PM

    That was painful.

  21. 11:17-Thanks for the comment Uncle Remus.


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