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Friday, August 31, 2012

Affirmed: Study That 'Gay' Family Children More Troubled

The University of Texas at Austin says it has investigated and found no evidence of research misconduct in a study that found adult children from “gay” families are “more apt to report being unemployed, less healthy, more depressed, more likely to have cheated on a spouse or partner, smoke more pot, had trouble with the law…” than children from traditional mom-and-dad households.

“The University of Texas at Austin has determined that no formal investigation is warranted into the allegations of scientific misconduct lodged against associate professor Mark Regnerus regarding his July article in the journal Social Science Research,” the school announced yesterday.



  1. Seriously though, would you want your child raised by Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook?


  2. Wow... who Knew?


    To answer 10:03
    I would not want my child to be exposed to, or indoctrinated by either of them.
    Not within a mile.

  3. Yea, i saw 'decline of western civilization' like 30 years ago.

  4. 10:03 that is a scary thought. That is almost as scary at the thought of Jim Ireton teaching my child. When is John Fredericksen going to fire Ireton. He has enough information in his personnel file to terminate him.

  5. Since there is a serious lack of morality... THis surprises you? Really?

  6. Social deviance breeds social deviants.


  7. Where did you find a normal mom and dad family. Not many around.

  8. Our social degeneration is a designed free fall.

  9. seriously, wow, coexist people, coexist, sheesh

  10. Kristal,

    That is exactly the philosophy that got us where we are now.
    No more tolerating immorality!


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