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Friday, August 31, 2012

Apple Refuses to Approve App That Alerts You to U.S. Drone Strikes

Have you ever cared to know every time there was a U.S. drone strike? Perhaps not, but an app that could have informed you of every drone attack launched by the U.S. with statistics on the location, result and fatalities has been rejected — three times.

What would be the point of such an app?

“I thought reaching into the pockets of U.S. smartphone users and annoying them into drone-consciousness could be an interesting way to surface the conversation a bit more,” Drone+ app developer Josh Begley told Wired.



  1. I don't care about the ones all ready hit. I would like to know about the ones planed to hit.

  2. . I would like to know about the ones planed to hit.

    September 1, 2012 1:53 PM

    So the target could be moved out of harms way?


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