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Friday, August 31, 2012

Climate Report Finds Assateague Island’s Future In Doubt

ASSATEAGUE -- A rather ominous report released this week on climate change and the associated sea-level rise along the Atlantic coast paints a grim picture for Assateague Island if the trend is not reversed, or at least stabilized, in the near future.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization, on Wednesday released a new report on the potential long-term effects of climate change and sea-level rise on a handful of popular national seashores along the Atlantic Coast including Assateague. Called “Atlantic National Seashores in Peril-The Threats of Climate Disruption,” the report examines data collected over the last few decades and projects the research into the future in an effort to determine proposed impacts of temperature increase, an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms and sea-level rise on Assateague and similar barrier islands along the Atlantic coast visited by millions each year.



  1. It's a sand bar! Get over it. It's going back to where it came from.

  2. In how many hundreds of years?

  3. When I got to the shore in 1989, one of my first jobs was pile driving new piling sets to relocate houses that had "gone out to sea". A quick flight over Cedar Island explains it all. It's a skinny little sandbar out in a very vast ocean! So is Assateague. I'm sure those relocated houses are ready to be moved again! The real estate company selling "lots" out there is making a fortune, I guess, with new sandbar appearing every year from the sand eroding from the other end!

  4. What good are your right wing ideologies if you have no respect for the environment that is so crucial to your existence?

    Why do you have to see a significant catastrophic environmental event before you want to deal with the issue?

    Climate change is something we cannot stop altogether, however, the facts put before us can't be dismissed as the problems of future generations. Environmental issues are equally important as jobs, education, crime, etc., in today's governmental policy, this you cannot deny.

  5. 909, first there was the Ice Age. Then it got steadily warmer. We are now oficially in hell because we have to listen to people like you.

  6. 9:09 Environmental issues are a money making business for liberals. Nothing more. Do you really think that Al Gore cares about the environment?

  7. 909-It's a sand bar you maroon! They constantly move and shift, just like sand dunes. The Earth is dynamic, not static. Constant change abounds regardless of humans.

  8. Hold tight everyone.The current climate trend is about to reverse itself.

  9. 8:09 tree hugger! damn libs are always crying about something but are also the ones using the most! They want us to cut back so they don't have to. If they are so worried about things like this why don't they walk the walk and take themselves out. Do the world and the rest of us the favor! F em.

  10. Wow didn't expect such unnecessary hatred in response to my comment, sorry! And was there a death threat in the mix there as well, or maybe it was just a suggestion to kill myself because I feel we should all care a little more about the only place we have to live?

    Either way, yes I agree it is a sandbar and it will only be a matter of time before it disappears. But they do call it a barrier island, do you know what that means?

    And yes, climate change is a cycle we can't stop, I believe I even admitted that in my first comment. I am only suggesting we, as a whole, take it more seriously. No doubt I should do more, myself.

    Right or wrong, left or right, this is my opinion and it is what I care about. Why does it always have to be such a vicious fight?

    Take care!
    Jeff Brown
    "hell raiser", "treehugger", "maroon", "damn lib", but most importantly fellow American!


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