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Thursday, July 19, 2012

U.S. Drought Means Wilting Crops, Higher Food Prices; Officials Pray For Rain

Oppressive heat and a worsening drought in the U.S. Midwest pushed grain prices near or past records on Wednesday as crops wilted, cities baked and concerns grew about food and fuel price inflation in the world's top food exporter.

Soybean prices at the Chicago Board of Trade set a record high and corn closed near a record as millions of acres of crops seared in triple-digit heat in the Corn Belt. Corn fields have been plowed up in many locations for lack of rain. Now soybeans, which develop later than corn, are in the bull's eye.



  1. It's FINALLY raining in Bishopville! Last night it thundered like crazy and some lighting but very little rain. Today thundered for around 2 hours and now the Blessed rain has arrived! Thank You Lord!

  2. The Lord no longer sends the rain. He has allowed (free will) the elite to alter (engineer) the weather.

    You will have rain when they allow it. They own water. It has been commoditized and they WILL control it.

  3. Prayer will trump any so called "controllers". You go, God!

  4. 7:13 PM

    lol Oh come on.


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