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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Here's A Tale Of Two Visions For American Education

Today, President Obama unveiled a one billion dollar plan to increase American achievement in science, technology, and math. The program hinges on rewarding high-quality teachers with salary bonuses, and hiring more teachers to close the education gap between American students and their foreign peers. On the other side, Republicans have just released their vision for American education. Reviewing House Republicans funding bill for the Department of Education, Republicans have slashed funding for a program to turn-around low-performing schools, and eliminated funding for President Obama's top education reform imitative, "Race to the Top." Meanwhile, House Republicans have quadrupled funding for abstinence-only education – something that study after study has proven doesn't work. So while President Obama wants kids to learn more about math and science, Republicans want kids to learn about how bad sex is. So much for preparing the next generation for the jobs of the future. Then again, the Republican future might be one filled with "sex police" patrolling our streets like in Saudi Arabia.


  1. This writer HAS TO BE a dyed in the wool democrat. he'll probably vote for obama again..

  2. CAN YOU SAY SCHOOL VOUCHERS..man we need it squash the waste, bloated BOE budgets, get a better education. Put the techers unions out of bussiness in this state get them off the states (our) backs and get the states fiscal house in order..

  3. Tear down the tryanny of the Federal eduction system its vile tenticles and local BOE"s. The system is broke, corrupt, and a abysmal failure of a liberal attempt to brainwash generations and it's failing...get back to the three R's with school vouchers...


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