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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Environmental Disasters?

Oil drilling in the Arctic is set to begin in the next three weeks, despite warnings from scientists that it could lead to unprecedented environmental disasters. On Monday, activists with Greenpeace rallied across Europe, in the U.K, Denmark, and Germany, to protest future Arctic drilling plans. As many as 77 Shell gas stations were shut down, mostly in London. As one Greenpeace's Lead Arctic Campaigner, Jackie Dragon, said, "Shell can't keep its drill rig under control in a protected harbor, so what will happen when it faces 20 foot swells and sea ice while drilling in the Arctic?...Shell cannot be trusted, and President Obama should not let its Arctic drilling program move forward." The United States is currently in the midst of the worst-drought it's seen in over 50 years, on the heels of extreme heat and freak weather. If we let the oil barons get away with turning the Arctic into their latest Gulf Coast – we do so at our own peril.


  1. bla bla bla...
    drill baby drill.

  2. Yeah drill baby who cares what kind of planet we leave for our children and their children. But everyone is a scientists these days and knows best. History has taught us nothing we still continue to ignore the only people that truly care and understand this planet. But none of you will be around to witness the destruction we have caused with our wreckless and greedy actions. But go ahead and cast me away as a tree hugger liberal that's fine but when you do. Please defend your stance and educate me why its OK to keep taking and destroying something so precious as our planet. Doubt ill get an educated response but I always look forward to being proven wrong

  3. I don't entirely disagree with you, 4:45. But you do realize that other countries are also exploring the arctic for oil deposits, don't you? I don't think the Russians are going to be stopped and we all know their environmental track record. Frankly, American companies should be the least of your concerns.

  4. And, 704, don't forget that the areas we have stopped drilling in (resource wise) are being tapped anyway by other countries. So, by us not drilling, we allow others to tap into them and sell the same oil back to us. Is this a rational policy?

  5. I wasn't speaking about Ameriam companies alone Its a general thought about the human race. We live on this planet togther when it is destroyed its gone for everyone. Not just the poor but the rich and powerful. We were created as one and we will parish as one. The younger generationhas the ball in their court. Youth across the planet is starting to open their eyes even in Russia. It might be to late but we must try. Because our leaders the past 100 years world wide have lost touch with our forefathers. They respected and loved the land theylived off of it took only what was needed and understood if a abused their livelyhoofs were gone
    But somewhere between the invention of McDonald's. And the iPhone we lost touch with that
    While we continue the deforestation of the Amazon and slaughtering tribes that stand up for their land and continue on this race of the artic destroying ways of life without a second thought. But asking as you can go to Walmart and shop it dosent matter right

  6. 4:45 it has been proven that wildlife thrives in the areas that are supposedly "destroyed " by drilling, animals use tbe heat of pipelined to eat vegetation that does not freez and drilling teams seed and replant in areas they work in leaving them much better when they got there. Yes there have been some accidents and that is unfortunate , but most of that happens when we have to ship from so far away.all we here about is alternative energy , being an electrician and having installed solar panels and wind farms they do not work as liberals say they do , things like hybrid cars still have to be plugged into power plants fired by coal. The mighty Prius does not get 45 mpg and is more of a fashion accessory than anything else. So there are some FACTS that are not talked about on the LIBERAL world.


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