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Sunday, July 22, 2012

‘So Grateful’: ‘Octomom’ Reportedly Off Welfare Thanks to Her New Career in Pornography

Nadya Suleman, better known as “Octomom,” upset many Americans with the announcement that she had decided to go on welfare back in April.

The mother of fourteen, eight of whom she gave birth to in 2009 through in-vitro fertilization, defended her decision at the time, saying: “I still am working as hard as I possibly can to support them.”

She added that she was reluctant to accept public assistance, but concluded: “[My] priority is my children, their health, their well-being, their safety…Who cares how I feel?  Who cares about me?  It’s 100 percent about my children.’’



  1. They must of given her extra stitches.

  2. She a one person comedy act. LOL.

  3. Just think if they legalised prostatution how many could get off welfare!

  4. Saw the video. It's pretty boring. But glad she is doing better. Who am I kidding, I don't care how she is doing.


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