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Sunday, July 22, 2012

9-year-old Boy With Massive Tumor, Living In One of Mexico’s Most Dangerous Cities, Is Brought to U.S. For Treatment

U.S. agents took the boy across the border from Juarez to New Mexico to get treatment for the large tumor on his shoulder and neck

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A 9-year-old boy with a massive tumor was whisked from a dangerous neighborhood in Mexico in an armored vehicle by U.S. agents and taken across the border for treatment in New Mexico, his family said.

The boy and his parents were snatched Thursday from the gang-infested neighborhood in Ciudad Juarez — one of the deadliest cities in the world — after members of a New Mexico Baptist church saw him near an orphanage and sought help.





  1. At the risk of getting bashed--why doesn't the Government of Mexico help with the expenses involved in this kids care? Mexico has plenty of wealthy people, believe me--why aren't they helping their fellow country persons?? Is the American taxpayer footing the bill for this? When will the American taxpayer not have to foot the bill for the entire globe?

  2. Sorry but that picture is gross!

  3. @5:13. The full article clearly states that the Baptists are setting up a fund for his care. They fought to bring him in the country and it seems they are doing what they need to do to support him.

  4. From Fred Reed, "Fred on everything" writings, the Mexican medical system is basically free. They just fix you and you're done. One wonders why this method was not pursued, and I wonder why the word "snatched" had to be used to describe walking into Juarez and walking out with him and his parenrs. Is this not a part of Mexico? Is this some kind of propaganda? Methinks "yes".

  5. The city of Juarez has become a battleground for rival drug cartels. It has the highest murder rate in the entire world so it was a cautious move to use a tank to safely remove this young man and his family. read, read, read before making an ignorant statement!!!

  6. 6:04. I read the article and it stated. The Baptists were setting up a fund to help defray costs. The DHS got him out, that means TAXPAYER money. Armored vehicle means taxpayer money. The article also stated the Baptists were soliciting physicians to examine him, that means they want someone to do it for free. So no it doesn't mean they have paid for it entirely.

  7. Obamacare at it's best. Free for non-Americans and working people, and an American citizen has to pay for it.

  8. 7:17, I'm 6:36 and I did read, read, read first. I KNOW Juarez is a bad place; all the more reason for a peace loving family to walk out of town and keep on walking to live elsewhere or to see a doctor elsewhere in Mexico. In Mexico. In Mexico! Where they have free health care! By Mexican hospitals with Mexican doctors! Paid for by Mexicaans!

  9. Why aren't the "Catholics" in Mexico having the kid taken to Mexico City for FREE health care?
    Because their pathetic free health care system does not have the experience or capability to treat him.


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