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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aurora Shooting Suspect James Holmes Jailed in Solitary: ‘All The Inmates Were Talking About Killing Him’

'He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,' a just-released inmate told the Daily News. 'He's spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.'

 Movie massacre suspect James Holmes remained unapologetic and irrational Saturday in  a Colorado jail where his life was at risk from inmates bent on revenge.

Holmes, held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous “Joker” persona after arriving at the Arapahoe Detention Center, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News.




  1. Put him in the general population now and save the taxpayers millions.

  2. he should be beat to almost death then slowly brought back to be beat almost to death for every person hurt
    then put into general population

  3. He should have been hung on the courthouse lawn yesterday,
    after a short trial of course.

  4. He's putting on the "act" of his life right now, to save his skin! As long as he "acts" like he's insane, he can stay alive. But, once he realizes his future quality of life, he may wish for another option. He needs a lot of torture before he dies.

  5. He is in America. He is a citizen of this great country. He is innocent until proven guilty.

  6. "The White House announced Saturday that President Obama would travel to Aurora on Sunday to visit with the victims of the shooting."

    Nothing more than a publicity stunt for the jerk. Holmes was one of his Occupy Wall Street FREAKS!!

  7. He has been mind controlled and strung out on pharmaceutical poisons?

    He obviously had help orchestrating this event.

    Probably CIA or FBI

    His crime bodes well for the UN gun law and anti-gun legislation in general

  8. Get out your tinfoil everybody. These lunatics want you to believe the government was behind the whole thing! They'z a'comin fer yer GUNZ!!!!

    I wouldn't expect you inbred loons to know this already, but maybe you'll understand it if someone explains it to you.

    Occam's Razor is what's known as a law of economy. It states that all factors being equal, the simplest explanation is the most likely explanation. So, what's more likely? 1. A CIA conspiracy to brainwash citizens into committing mass murder as a means of implementing a massive gun grab, or 2. The kid has mental problems.

    Take your time. I know these are big concepts.

  9. 10:25, you are a clown. If the pres. would not have said anything or visited, you would be screaming "oh evil Obama doesn't care about these people". Put your partisan bs away for once.

  10. Alex said...
    7:34 that was funny.

    July 23, 2012 9:38 AM

    I'm surprised you understand it.

  11. If u r caught "in the act" I believe the "innocent until proven guilty" mantra need not be spewed. You are NOT an ALLEGED perpetrator!

  12. When's the execution?
    Call me then.


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