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Friday, July 20, 2012

Police: 14 Dead in Colorado Theater Shooting.

Police Chief Dan Oates says 14 people are dead following a shooting at suburban Denver movie theater.

He says 50 others were injured when gunfire erupted early Friday at the Aurora theater.

Oates says a gunman appeared at the front of one of the Century 16 theaters.



  1. Good Lord. I am speechless. This country is starting to seem like a third world country with all these senseless killings.

  2. Everyone think the constitution is keeping everyone safe. Time to change the constitution.

  3. 8:19 pure ignorance.
    Time to enforce the Constitution!
    Roll back the unconstitutional gun laws and let people protect themselves from these sicko's going LEO on citizens.

  4. now they say it was a lone wolf. wish they get the story straight.

    I'm sure it's chaotic there but still

  5. 8:39, Colorado is a concealed handgun state. So explain what laws, state or federal, prevented people from protecting themselves in this case.

  6. 8:58
    Some place have signs prohibiting guns in their business. I don't know if that is the case in this movie theater or not.

  7. Updated at 9:02 a.m. ET: Twelve people were killed and at least 50 others wounded early Friday when a gunman wearing a bullet-proof vest opened fire during a midnight screening of the latest Batman movie near Denver, authorities and witnesses said.

    A three-month-old child and a six-year-old girl were among those treated, according to reports.

    Authorities said the gunman had appeared at the front of the theater during the film and released a canister of tear gas. Witnesses told reporters that the gunfire erupted during a shootout scene in "The Dark Knight Rises".

  8. 8:19 your remarks sound like their from an old senile retired liberal school teacher.

  9. Violent movies excites some people.

  10. More guns are not the answer. Why does anyone need an assault rifle except to kill as many people as possible quickly? More gun control means ,less tragedies such as this.

  11. Hey 10:02,

    Better gun control means you hit your target on the first shot rather than the Spray and Pray method so many idiots like to use today.

  12. More gun control means ,less tragedies such as this.

    July 20, 2012 10:02 AM

    They have been saying that for decades and it just doesn't fly.

    Guns are neither good nor bad. It is the person holding it that decides which.

  13. Better gun control means you hit your target on the first shot rather than the Spray and Pray method so many idiots like to use today.

    July 20, 2012 10:12 AM

    Is this the same guy or do several need a midol or something?

  14. People have been killing others long before a firearm was invented. If you really want to kill someone a baseball bat will do, what next? We out law baseball bats?

  15. 2 thugs went into a coffee shop with guns and the intent to rob it recently and some 70 yr old man (customer) pulled out his gun and started firing at the thugs and they ran out. The man was able to take control of a situation that could have turned out like this one had the thugs gotten more nervous and/or paranoid. I think FL was where this happened. No one was hurt.

  16. I wonder if he was inspired by that guy over in Europe or wherever it was that killed all those kids on vacation.

    Then he wrote something like instructions for someone else to do it.

  17. 1:14 PM

    Guess not. Time will tell but looks like right now he just thought he was the Joker.


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