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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Joe Albero, G.A. Harrison, Jim Ireton & Barrie Tilghman On The Don Rush Radio Show


The link above will take you right to a link to listen to the show that aired this morning. Good, bad or indifferent, we'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions.


  1. You come across as perfectly reasonable to me. Where is this crazy maniac you are supposed to be? Certainly more reasonable than Jim, who seems strangely defensive all the time.

  2. The salisbury zoo is not the only zoo funded by taxpayers. Ever hear of the national zoo in D.C.?

  3. I never realized just how gay Ireton sounds until now.

  4. anonymous 1:13, You are correct. HOWEVER, the National Zoo is paid for by EVERY taxpayer in America. Salisbury is paid for by municipal taxpayers in the City of Salisbury.

    SO, what your really saying is, it's OK for City of Salisbury residents to pay for TWO Zoo's, right?

    Also, are you disagreeing with the $1.00 per person charge to get into the Salisbury Zoo?

  5. Tighlman said that "personal attacks would continue." She was the one to cast the first stone when she called a collective of city taxpayers "The Dirty Dozen." NIMBYS among a few we can't post here. Pot calling Kettle, black!

    Tighlman is quoted on PAC-14 public access channel that our WWTP was under budget and ahead of schedule. She and Gary Comegys both continued that mantra during city council offical open meetings.

    Talk to the hand Barry

    Great interview Joe!

  6. INTERESTING, Barrie Tilghman claimed she sued me for claiming city workers did work on her home and she feels vindicated because she proved other wise.

    HMMMMM, let's see. IF Barrie Tilghman was vindicated but sued me for defamation and the Judge found she was correct, wouldn't she have won the lawsuit instead of LOSING it?

    Nothing ever changes with this woman.

  7. Louise and Barrie are BFF

  8. I'm surprised Mike Dunn let this air....

  9. I'm surprised Dunn wasn't "interviewed". I"m sure he'll get some words in later.

  10. Barrie Tilghman screwed up Salisbury along with Dunn and Comegys. Like we didn't know Barrie would try to bash Joe. Come on Don, that was stupid. Good interview Joe.

  11. We will have to wait and see if the shoe is on the other foot if they will come to you Joe and ask your opinion. When does Ireton get interviewed?

  12. Ireton was interviewed the other day- he was on "Delmarva Today". Jim Matthias was the other guest. At one point, he calls Joe the "Delaware Blogger".

  13. Interesting -- the mayor's race could be between 2 persons who spend much of their time in Delaware but "reside" in Salisbury!

  14. Just listened to the interview. Very well done Joe.

  15. Barry is an idiot.

  16. The more I hear Jim speak the more I like you!

  17. Is that how Jim Ireton always sounds? I think he losing it.

  18. OMG he is biggest drama queen there is,what on Earth is he talking about?

  19. Anonymous 1:17

    You are so wrong! This race is done! No way is Jim got a chance in hell!

  20. I had no idea one radio show could have many idiots in one place. Joe excluded of course! ;)

  21. Shame on Barry for even opening her trap. You are done with politics in this town,Right?

  22. Go Joe Go! You rock my socks off! Lol

  23. Didn't. Barry give you the finger in public before? That real classy Chic!

  24. I feel good things coming!

    ALBERO ForMayor is just one of them!

  25. Great interview Joe. You sure can handle yourself under pressure.

  26. Jim said don't give him the attention he wants. Really Jim you are the camera queen of century.

  27. Joe Albero 11:27 comment-When I heard Tilghman say she felt vindicated my thought was "you do" and "how in the wildest figment of her imagination did she reach the conclusion that she was vindicated"

  28. I bet you anything Jim will not have a public debate with you.

  29. Thank god I work for the city I have so much time to visit your site.

  30. I'm surprised Mike Dunn allowed this interview too. I would have thought Don being a liberal would not be as balanced as he was. He must have really liked what you had to say Joe. Good job.

  31. Are you sure you to do this Joe? These people are nuts out here.

  32. You are so spot on jwith your thoughts and ideas.you are a man of the people joe

  33. I live in Tyaskin but I would vote for you if I could.

  34. Question is what is next ?

  35. anonymous 2:29, Someone has to do it and it needs to be someone who isn't going to feed the taxpayers a boat load of crap. You know, the things every one wants to hear.

    I firmly believe the citizens of Salisbury are a LOT smarter than Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman think they are. Mrs. 99.9% compliant and Ireton who wants to fill up Downtown with subsidized housing.

    Notice how the Press, (NONE OF THEM) have said a single word about the subsidized housing, NOR have they even tried to defend Ireon on it. They are staying far away from it because they know once every one learns what his real plan is they'll scream from the top of the roof.

    SO, am I contravercial, YOU BETTER BELIEVE I AM. I'm the ONLY one out there who will stand up to these nut cases. Just remember Ladies & Gentlemen, Jim Ireton could have easily returned any one of my phone messages or text messages, he did not. NOT even a, what are you talking about Joe!

    I have spent almost 8 years fighting these very same people. I'll NEVER forget Barrie Tilghman sitting in the front row of the court room with the Holy Bible in her hand. 7 people came into the court room, one after the other stating they watched the Police Chief yank KC Tilghman off of Rachel Polk. The former Chief stated in the Daily Times, he didn't see a thing, YEAH RIGHT. Then the Judge stated, of course your going to get a protective order Mrs. Polk. "If you can't trust your own Chief of Police, who can you trust".

    IF Barrie Tilghman thinks she can CLAIM she only sued me for that one thing, she's nuts. Barrie Tilghman sued me for MULTIPLE things and guess what, SHE LOST ON EVERY COUNT.

    It was clear proof that money didn't buy Joe Albero anything. The TRUTH is the TRUTH, right Jim Ireton.

    ALL of their crap will backfire in their faces during forums. Let them bring it on. Why do you think we chose to announce our intent this early. BRING IT ALL ON. I will answer any and all questions and I will NOT twist my answers. The citizens are seeing that in these interviews. In fact. Brian Russo stated at the end of our interview why he enjoyed interviewing me so much. He said, you don't get angry with me when I ask you the tough questions and you answer each and every one of them without my having to ask you several times.

    I just can't wait for the forums.

  36. i'm still trying to get an answer to my question. if you registered as a resident in may of this year, and rules state that a candidate must be a resident for 1 year prior to the election, and its held in April of 2013, are you an eligible candidate?

  37. anonymous 2:50, Just because I registered to VOTE last May does NOT disqualify me as a Candidate.

    The RULES state that I must be a registered voter, I am. It doesn't say WHEN.

    You nay sayers are constantly looking for ANYTHING and guess what, your not going to find a way to disqualify me. I officially moved into the City on March 24, 2012.

    Get used to it, I'm qualified and I fully intend to file to run for Mayor of Salisbury.

  38. it's "controversial" Joe.

  39. You have my vote Joe.

  40. The Girls Love You Joe!

  41. NON:1209pm WHY was Gary Comegys [aka] Grave Yard Bandit not included also???

  42. I know this is irrelevant, but Joe, do you know what they are building on bateman/power street? the big tower??

    have a few ideas but i wasn't sure if you might definitively know!

  43. Can't wait for the forums either. Lets have one tommorro.

  44. The waters are getting muddy.

  45. Thanks for that answer Joe. Hopefully it shuts them up. One thing I can tell you is that they must prove you do not live in the City and they can't. I have been to your apartment many times along with several other friends. There are at least a dozen people that I know who will testify on your behalf that you are living in Salisbury.

  46. anonymous 3:14, Jonathan Taylor loves sending in comments suggesting that detectives have been following me and can prove I go to Delmar and sleep there.

    Jonathan and Julie, it's nice to know YOU think I'm so important that local law enforcement would "follow" me wherever I go. However, your stupid and childish comments don't bother me because its not true. Are you guys following Jimmy to Rehoboth too, or is he not as important. LOL

    I fully encourage law enforcement to follow me wherever they like. They are welcome to stop in even at 11:00 at night to see if I'm actually there.

    Trust me, don't think for a SECOND that Mike Lewis and others wouldn't ping my phone to see where I'm at any time of day or night. HENCE no one being able to build a case against me because I do live in Salisbury.

    Yeah, I know, I could just leave my phone on the dresser and make calls from elsewhere, right Mayor Ireton.

  47. God your an arrogant @$$. Whole.

  48. anonymous 3:30, do explain why you feel that way. Or are you just one of those people who likes to call other people names because it makes you feel like the anonymous man/woman that you are.

  49. Another great interview. You know how to get your point across and you don't make excuses for things. It seems to me you just want to get things done for the good of the citizens. Thank You

  50. Its better then being called a sissy.

  51. Well how I see it. They where trying to make you look bad but it didn't work. You were the most informative person on the panel.

  52. Anonymous said...
    God your an arrogant @$$. Whole.

    July 19, 2012 3:30 PM

    Don't worry Joe. That is just Jim looking in the mirror. LOL

  53. Hey 3:30
    You are calling God that name,
    " God you are an arrogant a$$ whole"

    you are one sick person

  54. Long time reader first time commenter!

    You make a lot of sense Joe!

  55. Anonymous said...
    The Girls Love You Joe!

    July 19, 2012 3:00 PM

    So do the Guys!

  56. Glad to see someone with a business background is throwing their hat in the ring. Keep us informed on your ideas we are listening.

  57. Good Luck Joe!

    Somehow I don't think you will need it.

  58. I have to believe they were trying to hurt you Joe butu I agree with the other comments here. You were direct and I honestly believe you'd make a great mayor.

  59. Ireton has no chance. He's a do nothing mayor. Now that his private lifestyle has been exposed he's going to lose the majority of people who supported him. He'll also lose his democratic supporters overall. This is the eastern shore and not San Francisco. In a language you can understand, toodles mayor.

  60. Joe, where can I mail a campaign donation to?

    And what is the limit for city elections?

  61. There is only one reason Ireton keeps attacking you, he is scared. He knows you are a threat to him so he tries to convince those listening you aren't living in Salisbury although everyone knows you run Salisbury News.

  62. anonymous 5:06, at this time we have not registered so we're not taking any donations. I'm not positive what the limit is but I believe it's somewhere around $250.00 per person and per business.

  63. Road work on Bateman is the Onley/Bateman changes to one way, new signal, new sidewalks, etc. Drove by there today myself, so it's not the water tower work.

    As for the interview, don't these people have anything better to do? Ireton does more interviews and press than the President of the United States. He must think himself terribly important. I can't believe Tilghman is back, either.

    Whole thing is enough to make a feller throw up.

  64. anonymous 6:19, to answer your question, "don't these people have anything better to do" I would say, no, they do not.

    These are liberal politicians. They cannot handle losing anything. I truly couldn't believe Barrie Tilghman used that lame excuse for her lawsuit. I guess she feels the need to vindicate herself to her many friends hoping they'll believe it just because she says it. Kind of typical for her and her former and yes, even current team.

    Let me say this as well. While I may not be the speaker Jim Ireton is, at least when I speak you'll get the TRUTH. I don't go around calling Jim Ireton the Rehoboth Mayor, he should show some respect. However, EVERY ONE said I'd NEVER make it as a Blogger. Barrie and Jim have tried to throw the title journalist out there referencing me when it's convenient for them. I have NEVER claimed to be a Journalist, I'm a Blogger. Well, today I sit with more than 10,000,000 hits on my Site and I have personally brought a police officer and a few friends, (so far) into my Office to show them that this is in fact the TRUTH. They have seen the numbers. The Daily Times never thought I'd become bigger than they are. WBOC and WMDT never did either. When I put my mind to anything I do, I do NOT fail.

    When I am elected Mayor of Salisbury, believe me, I knew what I was getting into one and a half years ago, I can do this and I will turn Salisbury around in a direction NONE of you have seen before. I do not get into things I can fail at, it's a waste of my time and it's a waste of my life.

    Think back to when Barrie Tilghman sued me along with Chief Webster. Webster bailed out and I felt sorry for him, so I let that happen. He had NO suit and was wasting money. Barrie didn't have a case either but if you'll recall, I refused to even let her think her case could be settled. Her case is what I wanted in court. I wanted to prove to the citizens she was full of crap and I can proudly say I rest my case.

    Of course Barrie and Jim don't want me to be the next Mayor because one thing I can assure you of, I will prove once again that those two are full of crap and the City can be proudly turned around WITHOUT government hand outs. Taxes CAN be reduced and we can all live a very comfortable and proud lifestyle. Just know that there will never be another fire boat or TIF or developer reimbursement or a contract with a $1 million liability clause on an $84 million project. I think you see where I'm going with this.

    We need to encourage ALL registered voters to get out and vote this upcoming election. I run into people every day who say, are you really going to run for Mayor. Let me make this VERY clear. I have the most beautiful Wife, Grandson and Home that I have packed up from and moved to Salisbury. IF you think for a single second I'd ever want to be away from my Family I'd say you're nuts. If I didn't believe 100% in my heart that I could win this election, I'd never make such a move.

    I/We are giving up a whole lot for a $25,000.00 a year job with no health insurance. All I'm asking from the citizens of Salisbury is to please get out and vote. I'm giving up ONE YEAR of my life just to run for Mayor. You can take a little time out of your life just to go to the polls and cast your vote. Thank You.

  65. Wow Joe, I've never wanted to get out and vote for someone more in my life.

  66. We need to encourage ALL registered voters to get out and vote this upcoming election

    Unless there is a third candidate, I don't think you will have any trouble winning this coming election. Seriously.

    I told you when I was in your office I thought it was a no brainer against Ireton, and I still do.

    However, if close to everyone will go vote, I think it will be such a landslide it will most certainly send a very strong message to the powers that be.

    Or should I say, the powers that WERE.

    I am sure I am not alone in saying I cannot wait until you are sitting in the Mayor's chair.

    The city and it's citizens need help. And I think you are just the MAN for that job.

    I expect to see big things when you win. I am sure you will face some resistance or opposition from others in office, but hopefully everyone will jump on board and get things done.

    Like you say, the election is the citizens'
    to lose. No where to go but up in my opinion.


  67. The reason Jim will run, despite the odds, is that he sees a clear path to Annapolis and beyond. He's young, handsome, well-spoken, a teacher, gay, and polished (as long as he's not challenged or worse, losing a battle). Perfect so far. When challenged, he ignores facts and goes to the personal attacks, dutifully following the lib mindset. He must push the lib agenda (Sec. 8 housing, tax increases, etc.) and he only has to be close to break-even to get noticed. If he's not successful locally, he must blame the "council of no" and doesn't that sound familiar. So far, that's all he has to be or do.

    O'Malley just might be the Democratic nominee in 2016, if MD's economy doesn't implode first. A handsome family man with modest anti-crime credentials (to sway the middle), promoting a very liberal agenda otherwise, he has been groomed for some time now. Notice how he supports the president so strongly. Given MD's first-rate schools and the gay marriage thing and a few other (lefty) merit badges, he's the one to watch...if the economy doesn't get him first.

    If Jim wins the election, he'll get more notice, and when O'Malley moves up, Jim has a shot at something mid-level in Annapolis or DC. Of course he's going to run, and run hard, and fight dirty, just like Comrade B. Hussein.

    I think I'll be wearing my T-shirt to the plaza tomorrow.

  68. I just listened to the interview, very well done.

  69. Good grief she needs to get in the sun!

  70. Honestly I think you are going to need more then 2 years in office to turn this town around. I hope you get the chance.

  71. What is it with Salisbury Mayors and hand gestures? LOL

    Wrist Up

    Wrist Down

    You Decide

  72. Don Rush said one thing that is absolutely true. This will be the most aggressive (meaning dirtiest)campaign in memory. When Mike Dunn throws his dirty hat in the mix you can count on every SAPOA dollar going to every dirty, low down scheme they can pull off, just like they have done in the past to there now pet mayor, Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell. One of SAPOA's wealthier, non city dwelling members said it best when speaking about smear campaigns. He said, "It doesn't have to be true, we just have to say it." Truth be damned is their mantra.

  73. 12:19 a.m and 10:45 a.m have opened my eyes. They should be together in a Comments Worthy of a Post thing that you do.

  74. Mike Dunn isn't going to run, is he? I think that's what his whole fireworks things was about making people forget all the mistakes of the past. Anyway, how can he possibly run? He's the general manager of the public radio station...that HAS to be some kind of conflict of interest.


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