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Friday, July 20, 2012

Fireworks at Napolitano Hearing-DHS Sec Unaware of Classified Doc Leak and WH Terror Group Visit

Fireworks on Capitol Hill happened at a Homeland Security Oversight hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Congressman Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, grilled Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano over reports (h/t Daily Beast  ) that an Egyptian terrorist group obtained visas and gained access to meet with top White House officials.
Gohmert also went after Napolitano over Mohammed Elibiary, an individual she placed on the homeland security advisory council and, according to Gohmert, gained  secret security clearance via Napolitano to downloaded classified information that Congressman Gohmert says Elibiary later shopped to a reporter.
Secretary Napolitano said Rep. Gohmert's "insinuations demean the committee" and she was more concerned about the "allegations that are made against anyone who happens to be Muslim" when asked if it bothered her that classified information was obtained by Mr. Elbiary.

1 comment:

  1. That's what you get when you place a person with no knowledge of the job, in the job. Her experience is limited along with being a liberal Obama appointed air-head.


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