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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Electric Vehicles Are Ready To Roll

WHAT: Electric vehicles are ready to transform transportation in Maryland and can significantly reduce our dependence on oil while delivering critical environmental benefits, according to a new report that will be released by
Environment Maryland. The report is being released as the Obama administration
develops historic clean car standards which would further promote electric
vehicles. This is particularly exciting given the great start that electric
vehicles have gotten in Maryland. Currently, Maryland has the 8th most electric
vehicle charging stations in the country.

WHEN: The report will be released via email tomorrow, July 17, 2012 at 10 am


  1. Maryland ha become the laughing stock of the U S .

  2. And I believe BWI parking garage has 1 charging station. Too bad it's always occupied however, that may be an indication of how popular electric cars are in MD.

  3. It might reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but what the increased cost of electric. Save at the pumps just to pay the electric company. Delmarva Power must be loving this. My daughter's elect. bill through Choptank vs. mine through Delmarva Power. I used slightly less Kw hrs. yet my bill was $11.00 higher.

  4. Question, where is EVERYONE going to plugs these stupid cars in at? This will seriously cut out long distance driving... Electricity is not cheap either, so I don't see the need to change.

  5. US power grids were built to handle homes using power not plugging cars into. One EV plugged in is equivelent to 7 homes using power. If 2 neighbors have EV's it's like 9 homes.
    In CA power companies are having to upgrade systems because of frequent outages due to EV's which has driven the price of electrity up.


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