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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Health Officials Warn Of Extreme Heat

“Top 10 Keep Cool and Healthy Tips”

(Salisbury, MD) During these extreme heat conditions, the Wicomico County Health Department is encouraging residents to check on each other, find ways to cool, and keep hydrated. As the extreme heat continues, it is very important to follow basic heat safety tips to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

“Infants, young children, young athletes, obese persons, those older than 65 years of age, and those persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or a mental illness are at highest risk for heat related illness”, says Lori Brewster, Wicomico County Health Officer. “It’s important to look out for each other and follow these tips to stay cool and safe.”

Health officials suggest these top ten tips to stay cool and safe during the heat:
· Check on neighbors, family and friends frequently, several times a day. If you live alone, check in with your family and friends everyday to let them know you are okay.
· Stay in a cool place preferably with air-conditioning. If you must be outside, seek shade.
· If you do not have air conditioning:
· Visit cooling centers in your area.
· Go to the mall, a movie theater, or the home of friend or relative with air conditioning.
· Temperatures inside the home should not exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit for prolonged periods of time.
· Drink plenty of fluids like water or fruit juices, avoiding alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
Eat a variety of fruits with high water content such as watermelon, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, peaches, apples and pears to help supply needed body fluids and prevent dehydration.
· Limit using the stove or oven to keep the house cooler; avoid hot, spicy or heavy foods.
· Wear loose-fitting clothes in natural fabrics like cotton and dress in light colors that will reflect the sun and heat instead of darker colors that will attract them.
· Take a cool bath or shower to lower your body temperature on extremely hot days.
· If you, or someone you know, is experiencing headaches, confusion, dizziness, nausea or a rapid heartbeat, get immediate medical attention.

For facts on heat related illness or additional tips on how to stay cool, visit the Wicomico County Health Department's website at www.wicomicohealth.org. or www.dhmh.maryland.gov and click on “Extreme Heat”.

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