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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wasps Unleashed in Maryland to Fight Invasive Pest

There are pests coming after some area trees and a local agriculture department is bringing in wasps to fight them.

Dick Bean with the Maryland Department of Agriculture says the stingless wasps attack the eggs of the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive species that threatens ash trees anywhere it goes.

"If left unchecked, it has the potential to completely wipe out all of the ash trees in the United States," Bean says. "So far, we've made releases in Prince George's County, Charles County, Howard County, Washington County and Allegheny."



  1. What can we unleash to get rid of undocumented citizens. Did I say that right?

  2. PG County has a population of complete evasive pests. "the people". nuke the county.

  3. This nothing new. Thirty years ago the USDA and MDA had programs that released parasitic wasps to control the Mexican Bean Beetle on Delmarva. Local farmers planted a few rows of lima beans in their fields to serve as a nursery for the wasps.

  4. I think it's undocumented immigrants 12:34 which is the politically correct way of saying people who are in this country illegally and therefore are criminals for doing such, whether they crossed a border illegally or overstayed a visa!

  5. Oh yeah, we need more. You could spray, you idiots. (Preferred over just bringing in another nuisance!)

  6. No citizens is correct. They get everything the rest of get and more.

  7. June 10, 2012 6:29 PM

    good idea, kill all of the beneficial insects while your at it. who needs honey bees anyway? read a book.

  8. Some kind of beetles arrived in my vegetable garden. They aren't eating the plants but I have noticed none of the caterpillers (that do eat the plants) aren't around anymore. Must be some kind of beneficial pest eating beetles.
    Now what to do with all these knat/fruitfly looking kind of things that are swarming at all my doors and windows this morning!

  9. Got an Ash Tree here---Looks like this is what's happening to our tree too!! Several brances are stripped of its leaves!!!
    Called the Dep Of Agriculture here in Salisbury----No response---Anybody got a direct # out there to call so we can let them know Wicomico County HAS THEM ALSO?

  10. This wasp seems to be the absolute ONLY remedy to our EAB problem... Why isn't this being extremely funded? This is an absolute necessity right now for our ecosystems...

    -Oscar Valencia


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