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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Question of The Day

Does your family get together on Sundays for dinner/supper?  What is your favorite meal?


  1. we use to do that , now my family has turned liberal and atheist.

  2. NO! We don't want a bunch of freeloaders hanging around.

  3. Not anymore because we are all spread out but we did in the 60's-70's. Sundays were a big to do with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all coming together. Meals usually consisted of roast beef with all the trimmings. Sometimes roast pork or Polish stuffed cabbage or corned beef and cabbage. In the summer months sometimes a barbaque or steamed crabs.

  4. Yes I feel it's very important to keep the family connected

  5. When I have food.

  6. It is difficult but we try to make Sunday and Wednesday family dinner night. It allows me to catch up with my two daughters and their various activities. And for them to ask for money, lol...

  7. yes, we still do this. our mother passed 3 yrs. ago, but we still maintain the "family table". the ebb and flow of family members being born and passing continues. it's amazing to see the love continue in each person.

    i think the reason is because we have remained in church and understand what it means to love, work together, forgive, etc.

    as far as the meal. depends on the season, but we share what God has provided and always seem to have more than enough. we invite others outside to share with us at the "family table". God is good...

    sorry if this sounds corny to some. we love our family.

  8. Got together with my parents and my sister's family for dinner. Mom is a fantastic cook and we usually eat together every other Sunday.

  9. 11:36 love that!

  10. Nope, not corny at all 11:36. Family traditions are an important part of culture in that they build successful families.
    The children when they get older will reminisce on these get togethers with fond memories.

  11. Well put 11:36. I am not religious but we have family dinner on Sunday's as much as possible. I think this type of habit is essential to a strong and stable family which at its core is the foundation of a strong country. I think our society has become so out of touch in the past decade or so and having weekly family dinners helps close the distance.

  12. ll:36 you are NOT corny at all. On fathers day we are having brunch with all the family at our home. Where the bests food will be served to the best people..my family.
    We all get together as much as possible.
    I just got together with my brothers and sisters and my mom in West Virginia. First time in 30 years we have managed to all be together..It was such a GREAT feeling. There is nine of us and yes we are close family even though my sister is in Alaska and me here in sby.

  13. Our family always sit down together for dinner.


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