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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama Bows to Mexican President

Is it November yet?

In the midst of being "lectured to" by Vladmir Putin at the G20 Summit, Obama felt his crusade to humiliate his country and show off his amateurism wasn't quite enough. So he made sure to add to his Bowing To Foreign Leaders Hits by doing so to Mexican President President Felipe Calderon.

Having a President who does not believe in American exceptionalism and constantly proving it in front of the world is starting to get on my nerves. Respect for foreign leaders is one thing but bowing before anyone is as unAmerican as it gets. We fought a war to disassociate ourselves from the kind of government where one man is expected to bow to another. But Obama doesn't understand that because he doesn't understand America.



  1. He is a disgrace to our Country. Period. Anyone who votes for him is a disgrace to my Country. Had enough yet? It's going to get worse. If you don't own a gun and know how to use it, then you can kiss freedom good by. Prepare now before it's to late.

  2. Can't next month be November? I am hiding my face thinking this coward represents my Country.

  3. I've got me 20 gauge & ammo. & know how to use them. Going to the range for more practice, though.

  4. Oh brother. You guys a just getting pathetic now.

    When did the president say he didn't believe in American exceptionalism anyway? I doubt that can be found anywhere.

    And who says this picture shows a bow? It looks like a taller man bending down to hear what a shorter man has to say to me.

    Now show the video where President Bush kissed a guy on the lips. I dare you.


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