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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

'Burn in hell!' for singing 'God Bless the USA'

Young children singing “God Bless the USA” outside a New York school were shouted at by angry adults and told those organizing the event were going to “burn in hell.”

U.S. Rep. Bob Turner, R-N.Y., gathered the students outside Public School 90 in Coney Island whose principal had yanked the singing of the patriotic song at a graduation ceremony, while Justin Bieber’s pop tune “Baby” reportedly remained on the roster.

“The kids don’t even know what they’re singing!” one of the hecklers yelled as the kids belted out the Lee Greenwood classic at Turner’s event.

More including video HERE


  1. I am beginning to think I have lived too long. The world is insane.

  2. I think there's some Democrats that nrrd deportation to another country. They sure don't like it here!

  3. I am only 24 and I think the world has gone insane since I have been alive.


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