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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Expanding Drone Legislation ‘Raising an Alarm With the American Public’

Thousands of drones patrolling U.S. skies?

Predictions that multitudes of unmanned aircraft could be flying here within a decade are raising the specter of a “surveillance society” in which no home or backyard would be off limits to prying eyes overhead. Law enforcement, oil companies, farmers, real estate agents and many others have seen the technology that was pioneered on battlefields, and they are eager to put it to use.

It’s not just talk: The government is in the early stages of devising rules for the unmanned aircraft.

So far, civilian use of drones is fairly limited. The Federal Aviation Administration had issued fewer than 300 permits for drones by the end of last year.



  1. Hold up, hold up. So wait. You free market capitalist want to stop companies from investing in technology they think will help grow their business? And you want to use the power of big gov. (FAA) to stop this? Well, well, who's the real socialist here?

  2. You know, I was a little offended when my daughter showed me google street cam and it showed my house like someone waas standing in the street looking at my house. Well, yes, this is a useful tool in the business I'm in, but still gives me the oogies. But if i see a drone, I may have to bring out a rifle. This is against the 4th Amendment 100%.

  3. The drones are necessary to keep the subjects in line.

  4. Commarades,the police state is upon us!

  5. These are only the public permits. There ARE, of course, OTHER programs that don't need FAA "permits"....and THAT number is not "just a few". It should be alarming to everyone that soon we will not be able to be OUTSIDE (!) without being under "surveillance". What's truly alarming is that more people AREN'T alarmed...

  6. If you see one in your sky, shoot it down.

  7. Where do you fools think google earth images come from. We have been photographed from the sky since the seventies. This is not new.

  8. @8:19....satellites.

  9. Some of you on here dont listen to news much.What are drones used for?bombing select targets.Think its crazy?Some people high up have a plan to so called protect us but beware.

  10. Satellites cant bomb select targets!


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