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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wesley Warren Jr., Man With 100-Pound Scrotum, Turns Down Free Surgery Offer

A man who made headlines for his 100-pound scrotum now says he turned down an offer for free surgery to get rid of his bulging problem.

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The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Wesley Warren Jr. declined an opportunity to have the "Dr. Oz Show" pay for the medical expenses associated with the surgery, partially because they wanted exclusive interview rights.

More including video HERE


  1. Can he bounce on them Randy Marsh style? I hope so.

  2. He'd be nuts not to take the free surgery.

  3. Bet the TSA agents at the airports have a ball with this guy.

  4. So, he opened up a page to raise money for the surgery...don't know how much he raised, if any..now the surgery is offered to him at no charge and he won't have it. He has capitalized off of his condition (possibly at the cost of his life.) He has an opportunity to correct this. If he does not, then he should live with the consequences at his expense, not of any insurance company, medicare, or medicaid. If you have a chance to better yourself and don't do it, then don't expect someone else to pay any medical bills or disability payments to you. Don't know if he has, just saying..just a hunch

  5. he was on Tosh.0 the other night! i'm sure he's making money in his current condition. that's probably why he's not wanting to have it removed.


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