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Monday, June 18, 2012

Are We In Revolutionary Times?

Legally, President Obama has reiterated the principle that he can pick and choose which U.S. laws he wishes to enforce (see his decision to reverse the order of the Chrysler creditors, his decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, and his administration’s contempt for national-security confidentiality and Senate and House subpoenas to the attorney general). If one individual can decide to exempt nearly a million residents from the law — when he most certainly could not get the law amended or repealed through proper legislative or judicial action — then what can he not do? Obama is turning out to be the most subversive chief executive in terms of eroding U.S. law since Richard Nixon.

Politically, Obama calculates that some polls showing the current likely Hispanic support for him in the high 50s or low 60s would not provide enough of a margin in critical states such as Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado, or perhaps also in Florida and Virginia, to counteract the growing slippage of the independent vote and the energy of the clinger/tea-party activists. Thus, what was not legal or advisable in 2009, 2010, or 2011, suddenly has become critical in mid-2012. No doubt free green cards will quickly lead to citizenship and a million new voters. Will it work politically? Obama must assume lots of things: that all Hispanics vote as a block in favoring exempting more illegal aliens from the law, and are without worry that the high unemployment rate hits their community among the hardest; that black voters, stung by his gay-marriage stance, will not resent what may be seen as de facto amnesty, possibly endangering his tiny (and slipping) lead in places like Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. And because polls show overwhelming resistance to non-enforcement of immigration law, Obama also figures that the minority who supports his recent action does so far more vehemently than the majority who opposes it. Time will tell; but my gut feeling is that his brazen act will enrage far more than it will delight — and for a variety of different reasons. As with all his special-interest efforts — the Keystone cancellation, war-on-women ploy, gay-marriage turnabout, and now de facto amnesty — Obama believes dividing Americans along class, ethnic, gender, and cultural lines will result in a cobbled together majority, far more preferable than a 1996 Clinton-like effort to win over the independents by forging a bipartisan consensus.



  1. great article. this is by far the most divisive, evil; yes i said evil president i can remember. i'm 65. God help us.

  2. This really puts things in perspective. I am a proud Democrat. I vote Democrat on most every issue. I voted for Obama but I won't again. I think there are many people running for office under the "Democrat" moniker who are actually communists, socialists and tyrants. Obama is one of them. I've opened my eyes and I can see that Obama is abusing the power of his office to create another block of votes to keep his position. He needs to be removed from office by means other than election. He is breaking laws. I can see why so many who label themselves as patriots scream for revolution. Enough. Lets get this back on track without bloodshed if we can.

  3. Dear 8:17 am,

    You said "He needs to be removed from office by means other than election."

    I'm curious as to why. Is there something inferior about defeating him in the normal democratic process? Given how difficult impeachment is, particularly since your party holds a majority in the Senate, I would think the cleaner and easier way to end the tyranny of Obama is to get out and vote in November.

  4. There's no way that any illegal granted a green card right now could become a citizen in time to vote in November.

  5. lol@8:51. The ones screaming about being patriots the loudest are the same ones threatening armed revolution just because an election didn't go the way they wanted. Cut the crap and step away from the computer screen. It's a beautiful summer day out there.

  6. 9:30, it's not about the election it's about the constitution. You know that little piece of paper that this country was founded on?

  7. I absolutely love who people bring up the "constitution" and yet have no idea what they are talking about.

    Therefore they find a way to say the President is against it.


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