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Monday, June 18, 2012

Sarah Palin Mocks Obama For “Snortin’ Cocaine” And Eating “Fido”

At the annual Right Online conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, former Governor Sarah Palin took the stage and wasted no time in mocking President Obama for “snortin’ cocaine” and eating “Fido.” Palin has been criticized in the press for eating wild game such as Elk and Moose, yet Obama got a pass from the media after admitting that he ate dog while living overseas.

”That cocaine snorting, and what he ate, Fido? Rufus? I think it’s funny that the cocktail circus gives me a hard time for eating Elk and Moose, but c’mon, anybody here have a pet moose? There’s a difference.” -Sarah Palin


  1. once again she speaks truth. the libs hate her for this...she's really quite funny.

  2. So, Sarah... what's it like in "you're not important and never will be" land? Ypu just go ahead and continue flailing in irrelevance chickie, while the big boys do the real work, mkay?

  3. Hey 10:14 how much more money do you make than Sarah, ya I thought so loser

  4. HAha She gives back to the liberal woman haters and they can't take it...LOL


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