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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The June 1 Attack In Afghanistan Was Much Worse Than The US Military Let On

The U.S. military withheld information of fatalities from a June 1 attack on a U.S. outpost near the Afghanistan-Pakistan as two Americans were killed, reports Joshua Partlow and Craig Whitlock of the Washington Post.

Official reports stated that Afghan forces and coalition forces "successfully repelled" insurgents wearing suicide vests who attacked the Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khwost. The military said that 14 insurgents were killed and that there were "no reports of ISAF fatalities" at the time.

What actually happened, according to the Washington Post, was that insurgents "flattened the dining hall and post exchange" when they drove a truck bomb with about 1,500 pounds of explosives into the base. The blast killed two Americans —a 22-year-old soldier and a contractor — while seriously wounding about three dozen troops and damaging houses as far as two miles away.



  1. The current administration treats us like mushrooms. You can tell it is an election year when stroies like this are kept secret. Surorised MSM wolud report it in any case.

  2. We know.We always know.Everyone with half a brain knows that these issues will be suppressed for the next 5 months.More proof of just how stupid this administration thinks we all are.


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