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Sunday, May 20, 2012

SU LAX Wins Semi Finals 7-2

Salisbury University just beat Stevenson in the semi final LAX game. They'll now go on to I believe Foxboro to play Cortland.

Cortland beat the Tufts in their semi final game. The Championship will be held next weekend at the Patriots Stadium in New England.



  1. Exciting game! Go Seagulls!

  2. One of the worst referreed games I had ever seen.. thinking they wanted SU to lose.... but we didn't

    GO SU!!!!

  3. 9:19 --

    The refs gave SU 2 big breaks - they actually failed to see a goal by Stevenson and let one stand for SU when the shooter went into the crease -- both in the 2nd half, so stop whining.

  4. It's not whining... refs need to be held accountable which I don't think happens. It's disgraceful to see how bad that game was officiated and the refs need to be fired or re-trained so that the game somewhat fair.

    Your point of them missing calls reaffirms my initial point

  5. It was a good game -- both the teams and the refs.

    SO, 8:07 and 9:19 -- Stop Whining!


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