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Sunday, May 20, 2012


Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, self-admitted that he was not eligible for the office.


  1. We still going on about this? He can admit to being from the moon and still be in office just because of skin color. HELLO!

  2. i have the same question; some of this info was "out there" and yet the "left media" didn't want to vet this guy. WHY???

    we got what we deserved. "we the people" didn't care.

    our only hope this time is if we demand truth and work for the conservative candidate. otherwise we get more of the same, unbrideled.

  3. What a shame, more and more every day the proof is out there about this moron not being eligible to be the President of the United States of America and no one will do anything about it.

    We have a house controlled by so called Republicans and they refuse to do anything about it because they are afraid to lose a few liberal votes.

    Yes Andy Harris this include you!

  4. Although it bothers me, comments above are about right. Much blatant proof that Obama is clearly ineligible to be president has come out in the open in the last couple months, and everyone just shrugs their shoulders.

  5. I have a few acquaintances that think Obama is a saint. They plan on voting for him in the next election without any hesitation. What is it that this socialist has so much power on so many people? Its like he was sent here from places unknown to destroy out great country.
    And people are like sheep that follow him .

  6. The corporate machine that actually runs this country has him in place no different than the others before him. This one is especially nice because of all the racial discourse they can manufacture to keep our attention off of our rights systematically being stripped and robbing us blind.

  7. Since sometimes he claims to be born in Kenya and other times he claims to be born in Hawaii, we may never know where he was really born. What we now know without a doubt however is that he is a liar.

  8. News flash @6:52, "we the people" do not get a chance to pick the President I would think you have realized that by now after seeing the whole Bush/Gore episode. Obama was elected by the powers that be who want to control this contry and probably the world. He is in office because there is nothing we can do about it anymore our constitution has been compromised.


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