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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Iraqi Court Likely to Release Hezbollah Commander Transferred by Obama Admin

On April 19, I had a post focused on the fact that the Obama administration was working to transfer convicted terrorist Omar Khadr from Guantanamo Bay to Canada, where he would quickly be set free. This story came on the heels of news that the Obama administration had plans to free a number of Guantanamo Afghan terrorist detainees to curry favor at the negotiating table with the Taliban.

And now, news is breaking that Ali Mussa Daqduq, a Hezbollah commander who is tied to the deaths of five U.S. soldiers in 2007, will likely be released by the Iraqi court system after the Obama administration turned him over in December 2011 rather than try him in Guantanamo Bay.



  1. And you say we don't have a Muslim in the White House? What about the 5 US solders killed. Way to go Obama. You are a worthless piece of crap.

  2. know Obama has to take care of his muslim brothers.

  3. Well, are we done in Iraq? If the war is over, the prisoners go home. It's that simple.

    Wait, though. If he is a warrior of a religion we are still fighting, then the war is still on, and he must remain detained.

    Which is it?


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